Thursday, December 17, 2015

Words then pictures

A lot has happened since my last post -- but a lot ALWAYS happens.  I am going to start back with last Saturday.  Last Saturday is when the sickness started.....and it has been a long road ever since.

Last Saturday morning I did an early morning ride at the new Cycle Bar.  I am in love -- probably because it was free -- but it is the best spin class that I have attended since leaving Lifetime.  When I got home Cameron was coughing -- STILL.  Before spin I gave him a breathing treatment and cough medicine (which usually works).  On Friday night I had given him allergy medicine.  Regardless -- 3 hours later I was walking in the door and he was non-stop to the point I was worried.  I immediately jumped in the shower and headed to the walk in clinic with wet hair.  I thought we was having an asthma attack -- still coughing his head off.  His lungs were clear and we received no good answers but he did get some prednisone.  After that fiasco we headed to McDonalds for a Kindergarden party. Yikes.  That's all I can say.  That evening I went to my work party while Mike stayed home with the boys (thank you!)

On Sunday we went to see Mary Poppins.  I have a slight obsession so I throughly enjoyed myself.  I wish I would of brought an endless supply of snacks in my purse but overall all the kids did great.  Ironically Tucker's family sat RIGHT NEXT TO US.  

Monday night Mike and I went out for our anniversary and my parents watched the boys.  At around 1100 Cameron walked into our room COVERED in puke.  It was so gross--from his head to his feet.  It makes me cringe just to type it out.  I was up pretty much the entire night with him and then on Tuesday Mike stayed home from work to be with him.  I was supposed to go to another class at cycle bar but I started coming down with a cold AND I was exhausted from the night before.  Mike and I were both in bed by 830 on Tuesday night.  On Wednesday Cameron stopped puking so he was back to school and on Wednesday night the boys had their first official school program.  Greg and his dad came into town so they picked up the boys early and headed over.  Tasha saved us seats and when we walked into the gym we got the news that Cameron puked in his classroom!!!  Sra. Cannon said that he could still perform but after the twins both performed Mike took Cameron and Jack home.  

Being a nurse--the puking and his constant complaints of headaches made me extremely EXTREMELY nervous..... until this morning.  This morning Jack started puking.  

I ended up calling into work to stay with the two sickies.  I have also been sleeping TERRIBLY and have been really sick.  **I few posts back I noted that I NEVER get sick--clearly that isn't the case anymore.  My immune system is terrible and I need to get back into the gym and get things back into gear**  Anyways, though I HATE HATE calling into work -- it was probably the best thing for us.  I was able to get a ton of stuff done around the house plus get some rest.

So -- that leads us to tonight.  Mike and Jess went to dinner and to see Star Wars. I got Jack down at 645 but he hasn't eaten much today so who knows how the night will roll out.  And the boys are headed to bed in a few short minutes.  I am excited to catch up on my Kindle and hopefully sleep like a rock.

Sorry for the long, typed out narrative but sometimes that is way easier.  Also -- I know that there are a million typos and grammatical errors -- don't judge.

Here are my FIVE for today.

1. Done with my wrapping (except one gift).

2.  I made a smoothie with my new Ninja bullet and added vodka so it was healthy AND fabulous.  
**Clearly this is why my immune system sucks**

3. My new lululemon sweatpants from Rouzer.  I have a feeling they will be worn EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

4. Grocery shopping
It is embarrassing how low we let our food supply get before getting more groceries.  It is also absolutely insane how much food we go through in this house.  Last night we stayed up until 10 making our order and Mike picked it up this morning.  The fridge is full.  YAY!!

5.  Jack is dancing
Jack has started dancing with me in the kitchen.  Now we can ALL dance.  I love it.

Our Second Anniversary 

The absolutely PACKED gym for the program last night.

The boys at Mary Poppins

Making chicken fingers for dinner.

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