Saturday, February 20, 2016

Sawyer and Eloise

I am sitting in the stillness of our house.  It has only been a few short minutes but I decided to use it to my advantage and type.  Usually I do a quick QUICK pick up at the end of the night but since the kitchen is already done my plan is to leave the toys for the morning.  Tonight we are having a slumber party with the Harris kids.  It has been a LONG time since our last one.  It is a whirlwind to say the least.  Regardless -- right now -- I am enjoying the peace.

1. Slumber party
I finally put on some big girl pants and had Sawyer and Eloise spend the night.  It's hard.  Sawyer is pretty insane and he alone keeps us on our toes.  The ENTIRE time.  I think that he is harder to watch than SBJ.  We played outside, ate pizza and watched part of a movie.  Jack has been absolutely fabulous.  He loves to be in the action with all of the big kids.  Shout out to Mike.  So grateful for my husband to help us survive these nights filled with cousin craziness.

Sawyer was the last one at the table.  Usually we make everyone sit and wait but after awhile I let everyone leave.  Once they were all off and playing he MEALED and finished his dinner quickly.

2.  Clean garage
This morning Mike cleaned out the garage.  This was much needed and long overdue.  I feel like we clean it out frequently -- now we need to work on keeping it clean!

3.  The pastime
We let Jack play in the drawers next to the dishwasher.  I let the twins do the same.  5 years ago it was filled with granola bars -- now we have bottle parts and dishtowels.  Just like the twins, these drawers keep SBJ occupied and extremely happy.  I was able to fold laundry, catch up on paper work AND enjoy some coffee this morning......all before Mike woke up.

4. A full weekend
I am grateful that our lives our full but sometimes it is also nice to sit and do nothing.  This weekend it is one of the FULL weekends.  Last night after the kids were in bed I went to see Bri who was in town from NYC.  I didn't get back until way past my bedtime (especially considering I WENT at my bedtime).  This afternoon we went over to Tasha & AJ's house for a few hours and after we got back we hung with the neighbors for a bit.  This evening the Sawyer and Eloise are here and will stay until about 11 tomorrow.  Tomorrow afternoon we have a birthday party and then the week starts over.  We have been moving from one thing to the next.

5. Sunshine
Today it was beautiful out.  This morning Mike made a quick trip to the grocery store and I took Jack and Nash on a walk.  It was nice to be out and get fresh air.  Nash was in heaven.  I know that it will get cold again but I am soooooo looking forward to the sunshine in our future.

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