Thursday, March 31, 2016

Louisville Tile

1.  The "say cheese" smile
When the twins are at Greg's I get an overwhelming urge to go out to dinner.  When they here the thought never even crosses my is just an impossible thing.  BUT when the kids are away -- I could go out every single night.  Last night I brought a salad home from work and we had smoked chicken from the day before -- we still decided to go out to dinner.  For Christmas, Mike received a Red Lobster gift card from one of his clients so last night we decided to check it out.  I have never been to Red Lobster and though the meal was ok - I was not too impressed.  ALSO--Jack did not enjoy himself like he did the past two times at Scotty's. 

Anyways, to the point, last night we were both working hard to keep Jack entertained while we ate as quickly as possible.  I said to him, "Jack, I want to take your picture, say cheese" ....and this what he did.  It was so stinking cute.  I have no idea who taught him this but I am pretty happy that they did.  Sorry for the blurry ass Iphone camera blows.

And since last night sort of was a let down...I have a feeling most nights out in the future will be without children. **quick note -- being on a date with my husband was not a let down....just all surrounding shenanigans**

2.  A few extra hours this morning
On Tuesday and Thursday I don't usually need to be at work until 9am.  At the last minute I decided to go look at tile.  The tile shops that I needed to visit are only open M-F so these few hours gave me a perfect opportunity.  

I am pretty sure that I found the tile that we will purchase AND I feel in love with Louisville Tile.  Now I have the urge to not only do my entire house top to bottom -- in tile.

Oh, and I must note...Luke was at our house at 7 am measuring my bathroom since I decided to go at the last minute.

3. Some of things I grew up on....
A few weeks ago my parents brought over boxes and boxes of memories.  This was one of the items that I found.  I think these principles from cross country were pretty awesome to grow up with, be surrounded by, and taught daily.

4. The playhouse
Here is another update from a few days ago.  This playhouse is insane. Hours upon hours upon hours. Like I said, this picture is a few days old and now it is even better.
5. Funny Conversation boys had with Greg...

So here is a funny conversation that Greg text to me the other day.

Greg: Owen you must be growing
Cameron: no! Mommy will be so angry.
Owen: Yes I definitely am not growing.
Greg: why
Owen: Because if I do mommy will have another baby
Greg: haha what?
Owen: that's what she did last time

Yes....these things are real.... and no.... no more babies.  But Owen -- please stop growing.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Sunday

1. Sunday Evening -- and the boys are in bed.
I am not sure WHICH boys you were thinking of...but it is 7:33 as I type and both Jack and Mike are in bed.  I am watching a bit of HGTV and 60 minutes.  I am exploring on the internet for a new bathroom vanity and I am dreaming about winning the lottery.  Overall it has been a good weekend.  I probably gained another 5 lbs but there is always Monday...right?

2. The dipping
On Thursday night we decided to hit up Scotty's for dinner.  We have lots of gift cards so per usually -- the trip didn't hit our wallet.  Anyways, the best part of the trip was Jack dipping his quesadilla into his empty orange container.  You see, we are fatties and both adults ordered cheese dipping sauce for our fries.  Jack watched us and then he just followed suit.  He ate his entire meal dipping into nothing.  Don't worry.  We got it on video.  And I proceeded to show all of my coworkers on Friday.

3. Friday night at Shelby's
On Friday night after work SBJ and I headed to Shelby's house to play with Ezra and catch up with Kara.  It was extremely relaxing to sit and talk, watch the boys play, and have a glass of champaign.

 4. Naps were successful.  overall
We always struggle on the weekends to have successful naps.  This weekend was generally the same BUT he did have naps.  And in my book, at least today, is successful.
 4. The twins
How wonderful are these pictures of the twins.  Ironically Mike wore his pink dress shirt today too.  They haven't been to Greg's for 6 weeks and the last time that they were in Chicago, Mike and I were in the Bahamas.  I will admit that this time it is strange to have them gone.  Jack keeps us busy but the hole that they leave is insanely large.  I think that it will be a long week.  Good thing I have work to keep me busy and LOTS of things on my To Do list.

 5. Easter Sunday
Last but not least ...Easter Sunday.  It was beautiful out this morning.  We were able to get stuff done on the play house, I collected one bag of leaves, and we even made it to Kroger this morning.  Around 230 we headed to my parents' house for Easter.  It was an insane 2 hours and we both left feeling full and exhausted.  (hence Mike being in bed at 7pm).  Once we got back I gave Jack a MUCH NEEDED bath and then we decided to take a short walk around the block to help with the full bellies.  At exactly half way through we started to feel rain drops.  We picked up the pace but since Mike had flip flops on it was hard for him to run.  Since I had my tennis shoes on I ended up running Jack home with Mike & Nash closely behind.  The skies were opening and it was starting to pour.  We made it into the garage just in time and within few short seconds it was hailing out.

And I have mentioned....the house is still, silent, and completely wonderful.

We were trying to get a picture of his shoes before we left the house.   These are still a little too big...clearly we are obsessed. 

Saturday, March 26, 2016

three...not five

I am too lazy to get up and get the pictures off of my iPhone so today I pulled pictures that are already on the blog.  These first few pictures are the ones that I see every time I try and add pictures to the post.  So every few days I am instantly brought back to these first few memories.  I have a very fond memory of these days.  I am sure that they were painstakingly hard BUT my memory has them blissful and wonderful.  My memories of routine -- playgrounds, visits to the gym, nap time, and playdates.  I don't think that I could go back into the rigorous day in and day out of my littles.  Don't get me wrong -- I miss it --- but watching them grow (and being fully potty trained) is pretty wonderful.

 I wanted to add all of these pictures because it just reminds me that they have ALWAYS been close.  They like to be side by side and they like to be together.  It hasn't changed.  Also, the blue blankets, pacifers AND the outdoor toys that we played with inside the house.

This was a trip to the zoo.
I actually made paints for them to play in the bath.  I have a video of one of these paint days and the boys were speaking in  their own language. 

Corn on the cob -- feet on the table -- not a care in the world

How could I not add this picture in to the mix.

One of my favorites of Owen and Jonny.

I thought that these Easter pictures would be appropriate since Easter is tomorrow.

He is actually on the potty -- crying -- this was his norm.

Mother's Day with Erin in town.  Oh the damn red Target dress that was actually a cover up that I ALWAYS wore.

Baby Eloise.  

We had dinner with the family out in Broad Ripple that night.  We could not stop laughing.  ...completely normal when we were all together.
I love this picture of Erin -- sorry -- had to add it in.

Since you were able to enjoy those old gems....I will now do a quick 5 since I know you are anxious.

1. Day with Jack
This morning Mike had to work and this afternoon he did the playhouse and helped Luke.  I was able to spend the entire day with SBJ.  It was incredibly strange to have a full day with just one child.  It is a rare occurrence and though it was nice to spend time playing on the floor with just him ....I also missed the crazy of his brothers.

2. Gutters
I forgot to mention that on my Birthday we had our gutters done. gutters...... holy hell.  Our gutters were an absolute mess.  For example, in multiple areas we would have water pouring though holes in the bottom.  In other areas we had weeds growing.  Yup. Weeds growing in our gutters.  I actually got two quotes last year but this spring I decided to go ahead and pull the trigger.  I am so grateful that they are in.

3. Bathroom
More updates to the house -- we actually had a real meeting with Luke to figure out our master bath.  He quickly and nicely struck down all my grand ideas.  When he left I felt a tad clueless about the design plan and what would be best for the master bath.  Within 30 minutes I found a bathroom on pinterest that would work -- that I loved -- and that Mike agreed on.  This is HUGE for me -- I actually have a workable plan for the master bath. is only going to be 3 tonight.  Have to get going.....guess it is time to get up.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Birthday recap. Quickly.

I am not sure how to write out all of the love that I experienced on my birthday yesterday.  I don't want to forget anything or anyone.  It started off early with my husbanding offering to head to Starbucks first thing.  **I would much rather have him around to help me wrangle the boys in the wee hours of the day**  When I got to work my desk was decorated and as the day did the treats

 Jaclyn made me this cookie/brownie cake with cookie dough icing.  What??!!  This cake is amazing. Absolutely amazing.

Mike had this pitcher of Sangria made for me when I got home from work.  And my parents were there with this carrot cake and we sang happy birthday.

 For dinner, we ate Italian Beef from Milan's that my grandma sent from Valpo.  The boys had made me this painting (which included painting Jack's butt cheeks).

 And I am now the owner of this beautiful Easter Lily from Rouzer and this bottle of wine from my parents has already made its way into our Sangria for this evening.
My favorite part of the entire day was hanging out with all of my boys yesterday evening.  We danced, sang songs, colored, worked on puzzles, read stories and had a lot of time to just sit and play with each other.  The day made me so happy.  Cheers to another wonderful year under my belt and looking forward to many more.

Sunday, March 20, 2016


1. The playhouse
Mike has put in LOTS of hours on this house.  We are all in love.  Today the boys were finally able to play in their new hideout and it was fabulous.  Even Nash joined in on the fun.  It will be crazy when we start to add all the accessories.  

I am insanely impressed with how well the project is going and how quickly it is all going up.  I am not going to lie--it still makes me a tad nervous.  This thing is HUGE and I don't want any of our littles or anyone else's littles falling off.  

Super impressed Rouzer-- thank you!

2. The four walls
This picture is not within the four walls...BUT it shows the disasters that takes place.  This weekend while Mike (and sometimes Owen) worked in the backyard I took over Jack duty.  As noted before he just likes to be with his brothers.  This weekend I essentially held fort in the twins room.  I ended up washing their windows and folding all of our laundry while in their room.  Needless to say, the boys were on great behavior this weekend and they were super easy -- mom was just a tad bit bored.
3. Easter egg hunt
This morning I took out all of our old, plastic eggs.  The boys created matches and then I added jelly beans or pennies.  After lunch we had our own Easter egg hunt.  It was simple, easy, and the perfect activity to break up the day.  As you can see in this picture--Cameron is searching for eggs while Jack is still trying to figure the whole thing out.
 4. Sunshine
It makes the list frequently -- as it should.  Today was a little bit chilly but had wonderful moments of sunshine.  Those moments were heavenly.  While the boys played in the new tree house I decided to take Jack on a wagon ride down the street AND on my way I picked up Jude.

They were pretty quiet for most of the trip but eventually Jack just started cracking up.  Jude was moving and trying to move the wagon and Jack thought it was hilarious. Anyways -- cheers to the sunshine.
5. Friends
This afternoon I went to lunch with Laura, Amy & Shelby.  We all met on 3North and though non of us are there anymore it is sort of like this bond that links us all together.  I am having a hard time putting into words how the afternoon out made me feel.  I can easily say that it was wonderful hanging out with old friends.  Though I see Shelby all of the time-- I never get to chat with Amy or Laura.  I am looking forward to our next afternoon out.

6. The weekend
I just need to give a shout out to the weekend.  All week us M-F, 8-5 people LIVE (like absolutely LIVE) for the weekends.  I think that this was one of those weekends that lived up to the hype.  We did absolutely NOTHING and it was fabulous.  We ate leftovers and we watched movies.  We popped popcorn and played with lots and lots and lots of legos.  Each day I sat down with one of the twins individually and they read me two books.  We played in the sunshine and Mike worked on the tree house.  Sheets were changed and laundry was competed.  MOST of the windows in the house were washed....inside AND out.  Both adults were able to sleep in.  The kids were in good spirits AND behaving wonderfully.  I rocked Jack to sleep more than once and Mike fell asleep with him last night.  This weekend has been pretty wonderful.

7.  Owen fell in the toilet
I needed to write it out because I have not laughed that much in awhile.  A few nights ago while brushing his teeth, Owen fell into the toilet.  I was standing outside of the bathroom holding Jack while he was brushing his own teeth.  The twins were standing there and Owen backed into the toilet to sit down (he thought that the lid closed) and he slowly fell into a toilet that was filled with pee.

I was not mom of the year and I immediately started laughing so hard.  I think that since I was laughing that Owen started laughing and then it was contagious.  It was hilarious.  I WISH that you could of seen his face.  Even Owen said, "too bad we were not making a home video because then you could of sent it in and we could of won."