Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Sunday

1. Sunday Evening -- and the boys are in bed.
I am not sure WHICH boys you were thinking of...but it is 7:33 as I type and both Jack and Mike are in bed.  I am watching a bit of HGTV and 60 minutes.  I am exploring on the internet for a new bathroom vanity and I am dreaming about winning the lottery.  Overall it has been a good weekend.  I probably gained another 5 lbs but there is always Monday...right?

2. The dipping
On Thursday night we decided to hit up Scotty's for dinner.  We have lots of gift cards so per usually -- the trip didn't hit our wallet.  Anyways, the best part of the trip was Jack dipping his quesadilla into his empty orange container.  You see, we are fatties and both adults ordered cheese dipping sauce for our fries.  Jack watched us and then he just followed suit.  He ate his entire meal dipping into nothing.  Don't worry.  We got it on video.  And I proceeded to show all of my coworkers on Friday.

3. Friday night at Shelby's
On Friday night after work SBJ and I headed to Shelby's house to play with Ezra and catch up with Kara.  It was extremely relaxing to sit and talk, watch the boys play, and have a glass of champaign.

 4. Naps were successful.  overall
We always struggle on the weekends to have successful naps.  This weekend was generally the same BUT he did have naps.  And in my book, at least today, is successful.
 4. The twins
How wonderful are these pictures of the twins.  Ironically Mike wore his pink dress shirt today too.  They haven't been to Greg's for 6 weeks and the last time that they were in Chicago, Mike and I were in the Bahamas.  I will admit that this time it is strange to have them gone.  Jack keeps us busy but the hole that they leave is insanely large.  I think that it will be a long week.  Good thing I have work to keep me busy and LOTS of things on my To Do list.

 5. Easter Sunday
Last but not least ...Easter Sunday.  It was beautiful out this morning.  We were able to get stuff done on the play house, I collected one bag of leaves, and we even made it to Kroger this morning.  Around 230 we headed to my parents' house for Easter.  It was an insane 2 hours and we both left feeling full and exhausted.  (hence Mike being in bed at 7pm).  Once we got back I gave Jack a MUCH NEEDED bath and then we decided to take a short walk around the block to help with the full bellies.  At exactly half way through we started to feel rain drops.  We picked up the pace but since Mike had flip flops on it was hard for him to run.  Since I had my tennis shoes on I ended up running Jack home with Mike & Nash closely behind.  The skies were opening and it was starting to pour.  We made it into the garage just in time and within few short seconds it was hailing out.

And I have mentioned....the house is still, silent, and completely wonderful.

We were trying to get a picture of his shoes before we left the house.   These are still a little too big...clearly we are obsessed. 

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