Tuesday, April 5, 2016


1.  Lifetime Fitness
what?! Yes.  that is for real....it made the list again.  This has been on my mind for awhile.  I have MISSED my days at Lifetime.  I don't think that I can even express how much I enjoyed dropping the boys off at childcare, going to spin, and then jumping into a shower without the worry of little ones at my feet.  I was in the best shape of my life.  I did yoga on Thursday nights, was able to pound out a TON of adult push ups and I ate whatever I wanted.  It was fabulous.  I know that I will not be in that place again --- at least for awhile.  But for now I can hit up the gym early and I can do something....which is better than nothing.

Side note--I registered Jack too.  Mike and I decided that on the weekends if I took him to the gym with me in the morning that things might go a bit smoother AND I wouldn't feel guilty for leaving.

Therefore, since I took the plunge and now own TWO gym memberships....I got my ass out of bed this morning at 415.  

2. Making choices
Strange thing to put on the list but I have a really hard time making really small decisions.  It is the small decisions that sort of freak me out.  It's the huge life decisions that I make quickly and don't second guess -- it's sort of backwards.  

Anyways, I have been trying to work on making the small decisions quickly and not freak out.  Our new master bathroom has put me to the test.  We are doing everything over in the bathroom and the only thing that we don't have to pick out is a new toilet since we purchased one last year.  We are almost done with choices....only a few more left.

3. Brotherly love
These three boys are obsessed with each other.  Don't get me wrong....Cameron and Owen are starting to bicker back and forth BUT they are still completely obsessed.  One of my favorite things is being able to see the love between these boys.  

Here are some pictures this morning.  Owen always tries to pick up Jack.  Overall it works out pretty well and we have had no major injuries (so far).  Jack was posing for the camera.  

4. Productive morning
I always enjoy going into work at 9am.  I am usually able to bust out a few extra things before I go in and it makes me feel like I actually have my shit together.  This morning since I was up super early AND I don't have to be at work until 9 I have been able to get a lot done.  Here is just a few of the things that we accomplished....a few of the extra things..... I worked out, folded two loads of laundry, did two more loads of sheets, and cleaned a toilet. (yes, just one)  Mike went to Menards to order a window and is now at Lowes picking stuff up for a project tonight.  I also wrote this blog post, the dishes are running.....AND I will have time to sit here and finish Southern Charm....because yes--they have a new season.  And for the ass holes who worry about my grammar and sentence structure.  Get over it.

5.  Mike is a winner
...at least he is consistent.  Make that WE are consistent.  He wins. I lose.

Last week Mike said, "I will make you a deal.  Since your bracket is completely ruined -- if NC wins (which is who I had winning the tournament), then you will win the bet."  Now at this point NC had to still make it to the championship game.  And they did.  BUT they lost last night in a last second shot.  Boooooo.  So I lost again.  And now I have to do the dishes for a full week.  Hence why I am proud that the dishes are running this morning.

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