Sunday, April 3, 2016

Old life stories

Starting from the end....

A lot of wonderful has happened in the past few days.  Once again our home is FULL.  The boys finally came home from Chicago since Spring Break is over and though we were only home for a few hours it felt great.  Mike and I both looked at each other and said, "goodness--it is great to have the boys back -- the house feels complete again."  (Mike used a different set of words but overall it was the same).  

1. Trip to Chesterton
My grandfather has been pretty sick and for awhile there I didn't think that he would pull through.  During my short morning visit we figured out that he is 89!  Yes -- almost 90 years old!!  

So for the past few weeks he was in the hospital and with much guilt on my grandma's heart he is now in rehab in Chesterton. This morning I left first thing and drove straight up to his rehab and made a short visit.  I will admit -- it is super sad to see my grandpa slowly getting older and reaching the end of his life.  Though he still looks good at 89....he is 89.  My grandma is an absolute mess being overwhelmed in grief and worry.  

One thing that I hope stays in my mind forever (which I am sure that it will) is the actual love and tenderness that I can see between my grandparents.  For the past few years my grandpa's short term memory has started to fade.  Today he did pretty well but numerous times he asked for, "my Joycie" or asked where she was or was telling me when she would show up.  He just absolutely adores her.  My grandma...holy moly...she just takes care of that man and dotes on him.  It is so stinking cute.    

I had to leave in the early afternoon so I could grab the twins and head home.  Here are some pictures of my short visit.  And yes -- I think that my grandpa looks like President Bush.

 2. The boys are home
We did not have long to play outside but for the few hours that they were home we had a great time enjoying the sunshine.  The boys LOVE the updates to the playhouse.  They were able to climb up the back and go down the slide over and over and over.  I eventually took Jack into the front to play and was able to clean up some of the mulch beds.  All three boys passed out quickly tonight.  Oh my gosh I am so freaking happy that these boys are home.
This weekend Kelly dropped off a HUGE bag of clothes for Jack.  Huge. Huge.  I have waaayyy more clothes than I would ever need.  This huge supply also came with a ton of shoes and I am happy to say that he is now wearing his shoes, walking in them, and not taking them off his feet.  It is like he is a real boy.

 4. Hiking at Ft. Ben
Friday afternoon I decided to leave work early so we could go hiking at the Fort.  It was a perfect end to the work week.  SBJ did great.

**My husband just requested that I put something nice about him in the blog soooo I think that I will add it here**

My absolutely amazing husband volunteered to cart Jack around on his back the entire time up and down all of those trails. A few weeks ago we purchased a used backpack off of Facebook and though it works -- it is not one of the fancy ones that have tons of padding.  ANYWAYS -- he didn't complain a bit.  Jack also didn't make a peep...therefore, I was able to have a nice, leisurely stroll.  This is ONE of the wonderful thing about Mike.  He loves to explore, get out of the house, and have fun with me.  We are looking forward to many more hikes as the weather gets warmer and I am super stoked to be spending my days with him.  ....oh....and he looks pretty fabulous.  Some nice looking eye candy.

5. CycleBar -- Santos
On Saturday morning I FINALLY worked out.  It has been waaaayy to long since my last work out and hopefully it has put a fire under my butt to actually get into shape.

Stephanie Santos is now teaching at the new CycleBar at Traders Point and I was able to attend her friends and family class.  I have not seen her for a few years and I wish that we actually had time to catch up.  She would listen to all of my shit show life stories and help me deal with them in the most appropriate way -- going to the bar and getting wasted.

Grateful to be on a bike again and grateful to see my old friend.
Therapy at it's finest.

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