Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Meat packaging

I am not even sure where to begin.  As I wrote last week...the past few days have been insanely busy. Insane.  We barely made it through and we did it just barely.  Here are some pictures to prove it actually all happened and we survived.

He insists on eating with a fork and clearly he did not want his cinnamon roll cut up.  **Don't judge -- we give our one year old cinnamon rolls on Saturday.**

This week is teacher/staff member appreciation week.  We have been making the boys do cards for everyone.  This one is for the custodian.  All of those stars represent the shine on the desk, chairs, and doors.  These are the little things that happen EVERY day, multiple times a day, that make my heart melt.

1.  We survived
As I mentioned earlier -- this is sort of a big deal.  It was long and exhausting.  I even skipped my morning workout yesterday (Monday) to recover and catch up on sleep from the weekend. .....Jack woke up at 511 yesterday so I ended up missing out on the sleep anyways!  Regardless, we made it and we are all in one piece.

2. The house
I am so grateful that we have a home.  It is perfect for what we need (yes....Rouzer...I know a basement would be more perfect).  I feel like we are constantly updating, fixing, cleaning...doing something to the house.  It becomes overwhelming.  Even though it takes tons and tons of work it is still pretty wonderful to have a home and a safe place to lay your head.

This morning we finally made it to the float tanks.  During our birthday month instead of buying things that we don't need -- we decided to do new experiences together.  Mike has been wanting to try float tanks for a long time so that was our experience for this year.  We found a Groupon that was for a place literally a block away from our home.  The only problem was that they only had one tank.  It actually worked out well.  I went this morning while Mike did a few hours of work and then when I left he was sitting, waiting for his appointment.  Grateful that he finds new experiences that I would NEVER even think to try.  He should be coming back from his appointment soon and then we will head out for lunch at Harry & Izzys.

4.  Mother's Day
I am so lucky that I have three littles that call me mom.  So. FREAKING. lucky.  It is the absolute hardest thing that I will ever do in my life.  I can't even begin to imagine what the road looks like ahead for these three boys.  And I am excited that I am on this road with them.

That being said -- I also need to mention my mom.  It has been a rough two years for JoJo.  It's been rough.  She has always been a strong woman but these days have absolutely shaken her to her core.  The dynamic of our lives have changed.  Dramatically.  And I have been lucky enough to be close and I have been given more insight into her being.  And though I have stood by her side, I am sure that my mother would say at times I have tested her strength even more.

Growing up my mother was the symbol of strength, courage, endurance.  She slept little, worked hard, and seemed to have all of her shit together.  (Maybe that is what my kids think too -- doubtful)  As I grew up and had my own little ones running around and tried to pull off this motherhood thing with grace  --she helped me figure it out.  I think that my favorite thing would be laughing until we cried and until our belly would hurts.  My super hero mother is still here.  She saves our ass ALL. THE. TIME. all the time.....I can't write that out enough...ALL THE TIME.  But recently she has also taught me the human side of grief and of healing.  She has challenged me to rise to the occasion, forced me to pull my head out of the sand, and taught me that mental strength is something not to be taken lightly.

So...after all the words...I just need to say that I am grateful to be in the motherhood club and grateful that I still have the privilege of having my mom by my side.

5.  The meat
After I typed out #4 Mike showed up and we went to Harry and Izzys.  After a wonderful lunch with Rouzer I jumped into the car and headed North to a meat packaging facility near Fort Wayne.  About a month ago we purchased a quarter of a cow and I needed to go pick it up.  It was a super easy drive and now we have a freezer full of meat.  It is 200 hanging pounds of meat and we paid 3.30 a lb.  Clearly this was my first time doing anything like this so it has been a learning process FOR SURE.  It will be interesting to see how quickly we go through all of this meat.

6. Bike ride with Mandi
This evening I took Jack on a quick run to enjoy the beautiful night and I decided that Mandi and I needed to do the Go Girl triathlon together.  I was already planning on doing the event but I know that Mandi loves these things too.  To my surprise,  after we put the kids down, Mike pulled down both of my bikes and we were off!  It was nice to be back on my bike AND it was not as scary as I thought that it would be.

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