Thursday, May 5, 2016


1. My Mother's Day gift
It is rare that I am actually surprised by a gift but this week Mike pulled it off.  My ring needed fixed so he used that as a decoy and all three boys went and purchased a new tree!  Yesterday I found the photo of my Mother's Day tree from two years ago -- goodness how things have changed.  This week Mike planted it and I am in love.  So grateful for these three young boys who have made me a MOM and grateful for my husband who helps celebrate.  Clearly...he knows the way to my heart.  **Oh and thank you Mike for moving the tree a few times until I found the perfect spot**

2. Grocery Stores
We live in an area that has a grocery store on every corner.  Within a 5 mile radius we have at least 9 or 10 FULL size grocery stores.  That is insane & wonderful ...especially for our family.  This morning Mike and I were talking about how much food our family eats on a daily basis.  This morning we used 6 slices of bread for the boys lunch (now they eat one and a half sandwiches) and then we consumed NINE eggs.  Yup, we ate nine eggs this morning.  Lots and lots of food.

3. The bus stop
Mike and I both enjoy taking the kids to the bus.  I am not sure what the three of them do while waiting in the morning but usually the kids and I have races.  ....well to be specific....Owen and I race -- Cameron usually acts silly or video tapes.  Either way -- I think that we all enjoy the morning bus stop.  It gives us a few minutes of doing NOTHING together. 

3. Nash
This little dude does not get enough shout outs on the blog.  He is such a wonderful part of our family.  In the picture below I was actually trying to snap his photo...this was the best that I could get. He loves walks, loves eating the food Jack drops on the ground, and he loves sleeping in Owen's bed.  We love Nash and are grateful for him in our family.

4. Strength
I have been working out and I can finally start to see my work pay off.  It is nice to feel better at the gym. I am able to lift more, do planks for longer, and run a tad bit faster.  I also want to note that I LOVE the peacefulness of the gym at 430 in the morning.  There are only a handful of us there but usually it is the same crowd every morning.  Grateful to see the progress.

5. My husband helps me conquer life
It is busy and full in our house.  And though I love it -- it is still busy and full.  This weekend we have three birthday parties, a slumber party, a party at our house, and a going away party.  We also have t-ball, Mother's Day, and the normal "catch up" of the weekend.  We looked at each other this morning after all the boys went to their appropriate places and decided to go back to sleep for 30 minutes before we started the day. 

Grateful for him and that he can do all of this crazy partying with me. 

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