Thursday, July 21, 2016

It's a boring read

1. Babysitters this week
We are slowly (let me emphasize SLOWLY) getting to a new daycare for SBJ.  This week our new place has been closed and it looks like it could be closed again next week.  This has been unplanned and not fun to deal with but so has worked out pretty smoothly. 

2. Fixed my shoes this morning
My mom always said to us, "I haven't bought anything new for myself in years."  As a teenager I completely underestimated the truth in this statement. It didn't take me long to figure out that this was not only 100% true ...but years could actually mean YEARS.  When it was just me and the twins I literally did not buy much of anything.  I can remember buying new jeans at the time and how excited I was...and I still own them.  The past few years with Rouzer have been much better.  Don't get me wrong, we still don't frequent the shops BUT at least I have been able to update my wardrobe for the most part.  We also go on tons of wonderful trips and eat out every now and then. 

To get to the point -- my shoes are starting to break down.  I recently bought a new pair of running/workout shoes but my intention is to keep them for my workouts.  These pair got moved from my workout shoes to my work shoes.  Anyways, they had a hole breaking through and this morning I sat down and fixed them.  YAY!! Now I can wear my comfortable gym shoes to work.  

3. Date Night
On Monday Mike text me and requested that we have a date night soon.  He didn't want to do anything physical and preferred to sit down and enjoy a meal.  We decided to hit up bonefish since we had a gift card.  We shared bang-bang shrimp and had a drink.  After we left we decided to go to grab sushi for dinner.  Good food and drinks AND Doug watched Jack for the evening for FREE.

4. One last surgery -- Success!
My mom has had 6 surgeries in 26 months.  Yikes!  Well yesterday she had her last surgery (hopefully forever) and it went successful.  She is home, recovering, and when I talked to her this morning -- eating watermelon.

5. Working appliances
How can I not be grateful for a washing machine, dryer, fridge, freezer, dishwasher, garbage disposal.  Holy moly these small things get used and make my life so much easier.

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