Monday, July 11, 2016

Lake George Part I

I have been thinking about posting for most of the day and now that I am finally sitting down to post I am EXHAUSTED.  It has been a full few days.  Here are some of the highlights.  I am grateful for so much but as you's pretty easy to follow along with the photos.

The view from the Lake House.
1. The drive
I was not looking forward to our 13 hour drive to NY.  At. All.  We ended up stopping in Cleveland and staying with Dennis on Friday night.  Though we didn't get much sleep this stop worked out great!  We had a great quick visit, a huge breakfast in the morning and we were on the road by 730am.  Once we got into the Adirondack area we decided to take the scenic route.  It was beautiful.  

This was a much better trip with all three boys than I anticipated.  Of course Jack melted down...don't judge...we flipped his car seat...and after that he did much better.  Oh~and yes, we STILL use bottles.

The absolute best part of the trip -- Mike and I listened to podcasts and we were able to sit down and have adult conversations.  We talked about race, sexuality, raising children...the list goes on.  I remember that when I was falling in love with Mike this was one of the things that I absolutely loved.  We were able to sit down and talk and talk.  We are able to compare notes, trade ideas, and divulge into serious topics.  Having three little ones at our feet means that most of our conversations revolve around small things such as what we are cooking for dinner and who is taking the kids to the bus stop.  This week (not just the car trip) we have been able to sit and talk with each other.  Wow.

2. The location
It was a super long trip and I had absolutely no faith that the energy in the car would be worth the hassle.  I was wrong.  This place is amazing.  The water is crystal clear.  We are in a cove near the top of the lake and it is peaceful, quiet and easy.  I am obsessed with this place.

3. Tubing
This afternoon we all piled into the boats and went tubing.  Owen absolutely loved it and I loved watching him.  His smile was from ear to ear and he was in heaven.  He always wanted to go faster and could not get enough.  Cameron on the other hand was a mess.  He was crying before he even got on the boat.  He did not want to try and had tears rolling down his face once Owen entered the water. On the flip side of things he was loving all of the fishing and caught a huge fish later in the afternoon. I don't have a picture of it tonight but will try to post it later in the week.

4. Hiking up a mountain
Essentially right outside the front door we are able to get on some hiking paths and go straight up the mountain.  This afternoon when the twins went fishing with Mark and Rick the rest of the kids went on a hike.  As you can tell, Jack eventually passed out.  It was an insanely steep climb and I am WAY out of shape.

Some of the view from our climb.
5. The helpers
Holy moly we have so many people helping us be successful this week and let me tell you -- it is awesome.  Every time we turn around someone is offering to take Jack, play with the twins, or keep us company down on at the Lake.  The high school boys are the absolute best.  They take the boys on kayak, play frisbee in the yard, and are keeping them continually entertained.  So. So. Grateful.

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