Sunday, February 5, 2017

Jack is TWO

Yesterday we celebrated Jack's second birthday.  He woke up to presents, never took a nap and ran himself crazy playing with Cameron and Owen all day.  It's absolutely mind blowing to think about how much has changed in the past two years.  This kid is the perfect balance of loving and kind while at the same time determined and persistent.  He is the typical two year old who wants what he wants, when he wants it with no exceptions.  His absolute favorite things in life are his brothers, Mickey Mouse, milk, yogurt covered raisins (he usually just eats the yogurt), mom and dad, and books.  He is talking like crazy and putting more and more words together.  There is no doubt in my mind that he thinks he is seven.  He loves to wrestle with his brothers and get chased around the house.  The three of them can do this ALL. DAY. LONG.  He loves to show off for visitors, prefers to eat a diet of meat and carbs, and would choose to play outside if given the option.  He is obsessed with the fish at Cabelas, enjoys his friends at daycare, and is starting to have a love for the gym.  He has easily captured all of our hearts and we are so insanely grateful for sweet baby Jack.  

He wasn't a fan of the singing.  It seemed to absolutely stress him out.

Homemade pizzas on Friday night to start the celebrate early.

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