Friday, February 3, 2017


My favorite quote recently from a current book I am reading.  Wanted to share. Love this.

"The value of autonomy...lies in the scheme of responsibility it creates: autonomy makes each of us responsible for shaping his own life according to some coherent and distinctive sense of character, conviction, and interest.  It allows us to lead our own lives rather than being led almond them, so that each of us can be, to the extent such a scheme of rights can make this possible, what he has made himself."

On to the Random 5 of the day.

1. My sidekick and my vacuum cleaner
This dog really doesn't like to leave the room that I am in.  He is usually following me around the house from room to room.  It's a pretty neat type of love between us.  He also sheds A WHOLE FREAKING LOT.  So I am super grateful for our vacuum.  Wow.

2. Forest Glen
I haven't said this enough...right?!...I love our school.  I love that they are learning a second language and that their brain develops in a different way.  I love that they are challenged -- that they figure it out -- and that they learn what it feels like to succeed and be successful.  
Tasha sent me this from lunch time today.
 3. My trainer
I am not really sure if I can add this to the list yet.  I am grateful that I a. was able to have the $$ to buy a trainer.  b. finally made it to the store to talk to someone about the purchase. c. have a fabulous husband who set it up while I was at work.  BUT I am going to be honest....I am scared to even sit my butt on that thing.  It makes this 70.3 journey a lot more real and a lot more scary.  I have a feeling it's going to be an interesting ride in the morning.
 4. Our garage is more clean than before
Yes -- that is a funny one.  Our garage is MUCH more clean than it was at the start of the week.  This room of our house has not seen pleasant days in the past few years.  Mike was able to start pulling stuff and throwing stuff away this week when I was at work one afternoon.  So grateful to finally see some floor space and not just piles of shit.  We still have a ways to go and actually need to organize it successfully but hey -- who has time for stuff like that?

5.  Beat the Parents
So this is a game that the boys received for Christmas and one night this week we decided to pull it out and give it a try.  It was pretty funny.  First of all, our boys are pretty good readers -- but not the best.  That being said, many of the words they would have to read we would have try to guess as they asked us questions since we couldn't see the cards.  Second, the boys did not know many all.  Finally I started digging though the pile to find easy questions.  Here is an example: "what is the yellow part of the egg called?"  Cameron instantly shouted out, "KERNEL!"  This is essentially how the entire hour went.  It was hilarious.  Finally we called it quits so we could get ready for bed and enjoy some girl scout cookies instead.

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