Thursday, December 28, 2017

Back to the basics.

1. The van is fixed
About two weeks ago my car started to go down hill quickly.  Thank goodness for my husband's memory that we bumper to bumper lifetime warranty on the car.  This was a decision that I went back and forth on in my head and Bruce helped to push me to make the RIGHT decision.  Though Mike was sad to return his rental sports car - I am trilled to have my van back.

2. Fireplace
Over the holiday weekend we had fires pretty regularly.  It was a pretty nice change from the normal.  Grateful to have this little gem in our home and looking forward to more fires in the winter.

3. New work clothes
Oh wow -this whole work attire thing is a LOT for me.  I have been wearing scrubs for the last 10 years and I have found myself slightly jealous of my staff who get to wear essentially pajamas to work every day.  Over Christmas my mom gifted me a new outfit which I am currently wearing at work.  I have had TONS of compliments.  It is very clear my wardrobe needs to be shaken up a bit!

4. Poop in the Potty
Jack is starting to actually POOP IN THE POTTY.  Like the twins, I waited to start potty training Jack until he was closer to 3.  It has been going ok so far.  Not the best- not the worst.  That being said, Jack is at daycare all day (vs the boys being home with me) so the experience is MUCH different.   The point of this is - Jack went poop in the potty last night.  Thankful that we got to do a little celebration dance in his honor.  Oh- and the pride you can see in his eyes - that is the best part of all.

5. The week between Christmas and New Years
I sort of love this little week between the two holidays.  I hate it because the boys are usually gone but this is the time I am able to sit back and reflect on some of my dreams and goals for 2018.  I have not figured out my New Years Resolutions yet or really even what I WANT out of 2018.  I am excited to see how it unfolds.

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