Friday, December 29, 2017

December 29th

1. The handmade chips at CHN
Holy these little guys are amazing.  Have they made the list before. I am obsessed obsessed obsessed. I can devour the bag in minutes. 

2. Country Music
Lately Mike has been listening to AND liking country music.  It makes it easy when we are listening to music in the house because we both like the options. 

3. My work notebook
I am finally finding a system to keep me organized at work.  Since I am over 29 different providers and 3 different specialties it makes things a tad crazy at times.  Grateful that I am FINALLY coming up with a process.  Keep your fingers crossed.

4. Three day weekend
I am so happy to have three full days to do NOTHING.  I plan on doing the Shutterfly yearbook and a calendar for work.  I also plan on sitting by the fire, playing with Jack and catching up with my husband.  I am pumped.

5. Mentoring
In the past year I have figured out that one of my biggest passions is mentoring others.  I am obsessed with watching people grow.  That's where I find my energy and that I what I love about my job.  It is so freaking cool to help people set goals and help them achieve AND for these same people to find so much self worth and personal empowerment and achievement. 

Anyways -- top the point -- I was telling this to Sarah yesterday as we celebrated her house being sold (and we were discussing my goals).  And she said, "well you mentor me all of the time. You make a difference in my life."  How can things like that not make you grateful.  Cheers!

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