Monday, December 31, 2018


1. The playroom at the gym
I am obsessed.  The kids are obsessed.  This playroom makes it easy to bring the kids to the gym.  They love it.  Yesterday Jack didn't want to get out of the maze so snapped a picture.  If you look closely you can see the big grin on his face.  The day before he asked to stay for 15 more minutes so Iwent to a core class.  Holy hell - my abs are STILL on fire.

2. My NuSkin Goals
This year I have a HUGE huge goal.  I want to qualify for the next success trip.  Currently, this month, I won't even hit my exec goals. I don't have anyone under me who is close to hitting or WANTS to be an exec.  This will be a major uphill battle for the year.  Major.  I am going all in.  I am excited to see what I can make happen.

3. Chewed Gum
Jack found an Easter candy from last year and decided promptly that we needed to indulge.  It was a chicken that pooped out small pieces of gum.  He was told multiple times that he could not swallow the gum.  Only chew.  About 20 minutes later he asked for more gum.  I thought he was swallowing them but he isn't that he wasn't.  So when I asked what he was doing with all the gum he stared at me.  Then Cameron bopped around the corner and told me that Jack was chewing them and then spitting them out and placing them in a pile. 

At least he wasn't swallowing them.

I told Jack he had to throw them away and can't leave a pile so every few minutes he was running into the kitchen.  That kid cracks me up.

4.  Cooking Fever
hhmmm...I am not sure if this should make the list or be banned.  Either way, I feel like it's something that is a part of our lives right now so it should be mentioned.  This is a terrible video game addiction.  Terrible and time wasting yet OOOHHHH so addictive.

5.  Draft Beer
I am writing this at work.  It's been an easy day though I completely forgot about payroll.  I am still sitting around and dreaming about draft beer.  Is that normal?  Craft, draft beer.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Another ONE

1. Christmas
The entire Christmas holiday was a bit more stressful this year.  We did Christmas at the lake which was great to be down there BUT also meant that we had to pack everything up and get it there.  Mike had a procedure the Friday before so he was in pain all week and the boys were without electronics.  Though it was Christmas and therefore WONDERFUL - I am still happy that life is going back to normal.  My favorite memories: R, L, C and the tooth fairy hiding presents from the boys. 

2. Christmas celebrations
These past few weeks have been FILLED with Christmas celebrations.  This is what I love most about the holidays.  Everyone makes time for everyone.  People are continually sharing their gratitude and thanks.  It is a time that I personally step aside and think, wow - we are so freaking lucky to have it so great.

My work group
3. The gifts
Christmas gifts for EVERYONE is something that I loath.  I don't think that it is smart or something that I want to remotely start to do.  My list would grow so fast I would have to save all year.  This year I purchased gifts for the three supervisors on my team, a group gift for my boss and then all the providers and employees received a small gift of CHVH swag.

The hard part about that is I receive so many great gifts from my team.  Spa and restaurant gift cards, candles, lotions, wine, journals, scarfs, candy...the list goes on.  This year the gifts were overwhelming.  Now I need to get on top of my Thank You notes

4.  Student Loans are PAID OFF
This is huge.  Huge huge. If I have had anyone reading this blog since day one then they would know that this has been a pretty serious goal for YEARS.  For awhile it was my only goal and I had tunnel vision.  Eventually I put it off and started increasing my investments as suggested by our financial planner, Rick.  Last week I realized that I just wanted it to be done.  My balance was less than $4000 so I decided to make it happen.  I still get a huge grin on my face when I think about how this is completed!

5.  Goals are COMPLETED
I have been avoiding this for weeks.  Yes...WEEKS.  Every time that I give myself to sit down and do goals I always find something else to do.  It was clear that I was avoiding.  I finally made myself sit down yesterday and do the work.  I made a list of 50 things that I wanted in the next 10 years.  If you have never done this...try.  It's pretty hard.  Then I determined what things that I would be able to accomplish in the next year.  After that I pulled the top four biggest priorities for 2019.  It was an interesting process for sure.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


I bet my husband will be SHOCKED when he reads my blog post today.  Not shocked that I have written anything enlightening or shocking but super surprised that I actually wrote today.  Trying to get back on top of my goals, daily tasks and making sure that I do the things that are important to me.  Writing out five things that make me grateful each day help me keep a quick diary and give me 30 minutes of gratitude.  30 minutes that when I am grateful I can't be angry, stressed, scared or filled with anything but gratitude. 

So though I just went all through that -- I am going to add captions this time around INSTEAD of doing a quick 5. I have so many pictures to update.  Before I get started I wanted to say a quick shout out to Mike.  Cheers to another year under our belt.  

Yearly tradition.  The boys are getting so freaking big they might start to look creepy soon.

FONDUE.  oh wow.  We had the absolute best anniversary date.  It was A.MAZ.ING.
Cheese was my favorite meal.
We started at 330 and ate, played games, watched movies and just hung out.  It was fabulous.
Picking up Panera after  work.  Jack was able to pick up a treat and decided on a brownie.  This is a selfie that we were trying to take but he decided he wanted it to be of him and the brownie instead.
I love Cameron's face in this picture!

So this happened a few weeks ago.  So grateful the night played out the way that it did.

AAA came within MINUTES of calling.  I didn't have my wallet and my coworkers paid for my parking and dinner.

The next morning Bella Tire fixed my flat for FREE.  FREE.  And that morning I had a great workout before getting my tired fixed.

Grateful that I was able to borrow this outfit for a first holiday party of the season.  Clearly I need to invest in an ugly sweater since it is the new "thing."

Addressing Christmas cards at the wrestling meet.  Owen was helping me stamp and seal.  So grateful that these were completed quickly AND for my little helper.  He is the best.

Finally getting some wins under their belt.

Cameron won all of his matches that day.

Jack's face in the car wash.  How can you not be grateful for this?  And oh the feeling that you get when your car goes from NASTY to CLEAN.

Gingerbread houses.  I probably gained 3 lbs eating all the frosting. 

Love doing these with the boys.  Soon Jack will not need as much help and maybe the adults can join.

The gifts have started.  I am so grateful for the team that I am on and the people that I work with.  Every year around this time I am constantly reminded of the generosity of others.

Jimmy and Kristin.  This has been our leadership team the past 18 months. I have been working with Jimmy to find him something that would be a better fit and all of those coaching hours, worry and stress are OVER.  I have learned so much these past 18 months and now I am excited to see how the next year will unfold.

Thursday, December 6, 2018


1.  Office heater
A few months many months ago...Mike bought me a heater for my office. I use it every single day and I am obsessed with it.  Sadly, when I leave my office it feels like an icebox everywhere else but that is a small price to pay for the warmth.

2. Fondue Pot
This week I have been on a quest to find a fondue pot for our anniversary.  My newest staff member, Melissa, has 2 AMAZING pots that she uses every year at Christmas.  She brought them in, gave me an amazing recipe and I am pumped to have a stay-at-home date night next week with Mike.

3. The struggles
I decided this morning to be grateful for the struggles because the other side of this will be so beautiful.  Right now we struggle with brushing teeth, being kind to our brother and follow through on chore completion.  Our biggest struggles include attitude and electronic time negotiation.  These are my current 9year old vs mom struggles.

4. Clear day on my calendar
I have ANOTHER clear day on my calendar that is not filled with meetings.  I am going to try and get some errands done during lunch time and start Christmas gifts for the staff.  Hoping to get lots of these "chores" out of the way and be able to enjoy the holiday season.  We have been so busy with the hustle and bustle of life.  I am determined to be more efficient and not waste so much time.

5. Brian and Lauren GOT A HOUSE
I am so excited that these two purchased their first house.  I wish that it was closer to mine but that is an entirely different story.  This is huge for them and I know such a huge relief for Lauren. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

21 pictures

Wow that is a LOT of pictures.  I guess that is what happens when you neglect your blog.  So here you go.....

1. We survived the short weekend
Last weekend we made the short trip to NC to see Pat.  It was so nice to be pampered and loved on.  We hit up Top Golf, played with Gracie, and ate lots and lots of food.  It wasn't easy.  When Mike gets around his family he gets very worked up and emotional - both in a good and bad way.  We were exhausted when we got home.  Jack and Owen both fell asleep on the plane and the adults were asleep within minutes of getting the kids settled into bed.  So grateful that we made the trip.  These memories will last forever.

Also - I am super grateful that I know my husband.  I know he is having a lot of internal conflict and not to take him personally or get frustrated. I just try to support as best as possible, let him figure it out and help redirect him when he gets too of course. (Or at least that is how I interpret it.  LOL)

We LOVED Top Golf

Sooo much good food.

My little old man on the plane

I was working in the airport while the kids ate McDonalds. 

Who buys the popcorn in the airport?!  Yikes-- clearly I was too tired to say no as we walked out.

If I had the space in my house for this AMAZING piece of equipment it would be a part of my life FOR SURE.  I did 2 rides while I was there and I felt fabulous afterwards. 
 2. Pictures
The other day he asked me to take his picture.  Oh. My. Gosh.  How stinking cute are these pictures.  I could stare and smile for hours.  Don't mind the real life mess in the background.  We are still in the process of getting our shit together.

3. Cameron is hilarious
I have been in this bathroom more than once to blow my nose, change the trash can, ect.  It was at least my fourth trip before I noticed that Cameron left his toothbrush suctioned to the sink.  It made me laugh out loud.  We have asked him to start brushing his teeth up in that bathroom so the boys wouldn't fight.  This little dude cracks me up sometimes.

4. The vacuum
Yes, in the picture above, the vacuum was plugged in.  This morning Mike took Jack to school and I stayed home for an extra hour to try and get some stuff done around the house.  My goals were very lofty and I didn't get anywhere CLOSE to what I imagined but I was still able to get an extra hour of work completed.

5. Visiting Mike at lunch
Today I made a trip to Mike's new classroom.  YUP....he is teaching.  He is pretty excited about the whole thing and I am pumped that he is actually living his dream.  He has to do a lot of prep work before his first class on Monday so he has had some late nights recently.  I am eager to hear all of his stories and watch him change people's lives.