Saturday, December 29, 2018

Another ONE

1. Christmas
The entire Christmas holiday was a bit more stressful this year.  We did Christmas at the lake which was great to be down there BUT also meant that we had to pack everything up and get it there.  Mike had a procedure the Friday before so he was in pain all week and the boys were without electronics.  Though it was Christmas and therefore WONDERFUL - I am still happy that life is going back to normal.  My favorite memories: R, L, C and the tooth fairy hiding presents from the boys. 

2. Christmas celebrations
These past few weeks have been FILLED with Christmas celebrations.  This is what I love most about the holidays.  Everyone makes time for everyone.  People are continually sharing their gratitude and thanks.  It is a time that I personally step aside and think, wow - we are so freaking lucky to have it so great.

My work group
3. The gifts
Christmas gifts for EVERYONE is something that I loath.  I don't think that it is smart or something that I want to remotely start to do.  My list would grow so fast I would have to save all year.  This year I purchased gifts for the three supervisors on my team, a group gift for my boss and then all the providers and employees received a small gift of CHVH swag.

The hard part about that is I receive so many great gifts from my team.  Spa and restaurant gift cards, candles, lotions, wine, journals, scarfs, candy...the list goes on.  This year the gifts were overwhelming.  Now I need to get on top of my Thank You notes

4.  Student Loans are PAID OFF
This is huge.  Huge huge. If I have had anyone reading this blog since day one then they would know that this has been a pretty serious goal for YEARS.  For awhile it was my only goal and I had tunnel vision.  Eventually I put it off and started increasing my investments as suggested by our financial planner, Rick.  Last week I realized that I just wanted it to be done.  My balance was less than $4000 so I decided to make it happen.  I still get a huge grin on my face when I think about how this is completed!

5.  Goals are COMPLETED
I have been avoiding this for weeks.  Yes...WEEKS.  Every time that I give myself to sit down and do goals I always find something else to do.  It was clear that I was avoiding.  I finally made myself sit down yesterday and do the work.  I made a list of 50 things that I wanted in the next 10 years.  If you have never done this...try.  It's pretty hard.  Then I determined what things that I would be able to accomplish in the next year.  After that I pulled the top four biggest priorities for 2019.  It was an interesting process for sure.

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