Wednesday, December 5, 2018

21 pictures

Wow that is a LOT of pictures.  I guess that is what happens when you neglect your blog.  So here you go.....

1. We survived the short weekend
Last weekend we made the short trip to NC to see Pat.  It was so nice to be pampered and loved on.  We hit up Top Golf, played with Gracie, and ate lots and lots of food.  It wasn't easy.  When Mike gets around his family he gets very worked up and emotional - both in a good and bad way.  We were exhausted when we got home.  Jack and Owen both fell asleep on the plane and the adults were asleep within minutes of getting the kids settled into bed.  So grateful that we made the trip.  These memories will last forever.

Also - I am super grateful that I know my husband.  I know he is having a lot of internal conflict and not to take him personally or get frustrated. I just try to support as best as possible, let him figure it out and help redirect him when he gets too of course. (Or at least that is how I interpret it.  LOL)

We LOVED Top Golf

Sooo much good food.

My little old man on the plane

I was working in the airport while the kids ate McDonalds. 

Who buys the popcorn in the airport?!  Yikes-- clearly I was too tired to say no as we walked out.

If I had the space in my house for this AMAZING piece of equipment it would be a part of my life FOR SURE.  I did 2 rides while I was there and I felt fabulous afterwards. 
 2. Pictures
The other day he asked me to take his picture.  Oh. My. Gosh.  How stinking cute are these pictures.  I could stare and smile for hours.  Don't mind the real life mess in the background.  We are still in the process of getting our shit together.

3. Cameron is hilarious
I have been in this bathroom more than once to blow my nose, change the trash can, ect.  It was at least my fourth trip before I noticed that Cameron left his toothbrush suctioned to the sink.  It made me laugh out loud.  We have asked him to start brushing his teeth up in that bathroom so the boys wouldn't fight.  This little dude cracks me up sometimes.

4. The vacuum
Yes, in the picture above, the vacuum was plugged in.  This morning Mike took Jack to school and I stayed home for an extra hour to try and get some stuff done around the house.  My goals were very lofty and I didn't get anywhere CLOSE to what I imagined but I was still able to get an extra hour of work completed.

5. Visiting Mike at lunch
Today I made a trip to Mike's new classroom.  YUP....he is teaching.  He is pretty excited about the whole thing and I am pumped that he is actually living his dream.  He has to do a lot of prep work before his first class on Monday so he has had some late nights recently.  I am eager to hear all of his stories and watch him change people's lives.

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