Monday, June 18, 2018


1.  Instagram inspiration
This morning I was searching on Instagram to help me get a little bit of Monday motivation.  I found this gem and it really resonated with me.  I am in direct control of my thoughts my attitude and my world.

2. Lake House Love
This weekend our neighbors delivered some AMAZING donuts to our house welcoming us to the lake.  These small gestures of kindness really go a long way.  I hope one day I can grow up like them!

3. Donuts with dad
We carried on our annual Father's Day tradition of donuts.  The bakery from above was closed on Sundays so we ended up getting donuts from Walmart.  Everyone still had full bellies and happy hearts.

4. The new boat
Mike purchased a boat this week.  It was not new but it is new to us.  This weekend was an adventure trying to get the boat in and out of the water.  Even driving the boat on my own was outside my comfort zone.  We ended up having a great weekend and the boys had a BLAST tubing back and forth and back and forth.  The reason that I wanted this lake house was to have these memories.  So so grateful.  After a day in the hot ass sun we played a mean game of Uno and then finished the night off with a dance party.  Can it get any better?

5.  The ability of sleep to refresh your mind
I think that it is clear that sleeping can help SO MANY THINGS.  I am grateful that there is an easy (semi-easy) way to ease a troubled mind.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Tuesday afternoon

1.  Spending time with family
At my grandpa's funeral I was so happy that I was able to spend so much time with my family.  Though my grandpa leaves a huge absence, my heart was absolutely full.  When it was 8 or 9 in Valpo I still didn't want to leave.  Mike suggested that he head home and I would stay back to spend more time.  I ended staying up until 3 am just talking with my grandma and cousins from Australia and SanFran.  Needless to say I was absolutely exhausted the next day but so freaking grateful I stayed.  Cheers to you grandpa.

My aunt told me I MUST write this down:  The immediate family went to the grave site before the celebration of life.  After we were finished at the grave site we packed back into the car before heading to the funeral home.  As Mike was buckling Jack in he said, "Was that it?  Did we come here just to see the hole in the ground?" 

2.  The next day
Jack and I both fell asleep on the couch Sunday afternoon while Mike also was sleeping before work.  It was nice to have some extra moments of shut eye.  Also, I did NOTHING around the house which makes it for an easy Sunday as well. 
3. Family SONG
Last night on the way home from yoga the boys started breaking out in song.  We were walking to the car and Jack started to sing his new favorite song - the shark song.  All of a sudden the twins joined in with hand movements and all.  We all smiled and laughed all the way to the car. 

4.  Hugs at daycare
At the end of the day when I pick up Jack from daycare I get about 10,000 hugs.  I get down to give him a huge hug and kiss and then most of the kids head my way to play with my hair, tell me about their day and give me a million more hugs.  It's one of my favorite parts of my day.

5. Morning Workout
Basically - I am grateful that I got my ass out of bed. I've really been struggling but today was a good day.  The workout kicked my ass and I am super glad I went.

Friday, June 8, 2018


1. the day off
Since my grandpa's funeral is tomorrow I decided to take the day off to regroup, reconnect with myself and try to get my shit together.  At least a little bit.  I freaking LOVE having the day off.  Don't get me wrong - I do like my role at work.  I am learning so much on a daily basis.  I am continually failing, learning, failing, learning's INSANE that I have been there for almost a year.  It feels like I have years to still try to learn and get into a groove.  Regardless, being able to go to the gym, run errands and not put makeup on is heavenly.  

2. My husband
He gets shout outs pretty frequently on this blog but not enough.  He is such a great man.  I am so grateful that he is my husband.  He is honest, funny, dependable, passionate and continual tries to keep me focused on my goals.  He is also patient with me and gives me enormous amounts of grace. 

3.  Dr. Kara
Again.  So grateful for Kara.  Last week I noticed a bite at the base of Jack's hairline.  I thought it was a tick bite since we had spent so much time at the cabin so I snapped a picture to send off to Mike.  When I took a moment to see the picture all I could notice was is HUGE lymph node.  (that picture is not shown here)  I decided to send it off to Kara to see what she thought.  She agreed -- it was huge.  BUT since he had the ugly bite on his neck she felt assured it was reactive.  Yesterday morning I snapped another picture.  She thought it would be best if I come in.  WHAT?!!??!!  I was shocked that she said this so I made an appointment for that afternoon.  We measured the sucker and started antibiotics.  Now we are watching for about 8 weeks while it slowly goes down.

3. Lifetime Pool
Yup.  A third repeat.  This year the twins are allowed to swim in the people WITHOUT me.  I still want them to become better swimmers but holy hell this is a big step.  To top it off I was able to get a few runs down the water slide while Jack was in swim lessons.

4.  Goals
I am a huge goal person.  I find enjoyment in not only achieving but in the journey.  It makes me feel strong, successful and confident.  ALL great feelings to enjoy.  Right now I am really struggling with my goals.  It has been extremely taxing in my own brain trying to figure out how to tackle it all and what is important and what's not.  I am to the point where I am going to go back to my bucket list and start there thought that too changes.

Grateful that I have goals. Grateful that I struggle.  Grateful that I know ONE day....I'll figure it out.

5.  The boys
Last night before I went to sleep I ran across a story of an Indianapolis family whose 3 year old son Jack drown in the pool on their vacation.  It happened this week.  It was haunting and my heart raced until I was able to fall asleep.  It is an extremely terrible reminder that life is short.  It made me want to yank my sweet Jack out of bed and give him a few extra hugs.  It was a reminder that the promise of chocolate milk in the morning is ok and the hours and hours of hearing Owen talk is pure joy.  It reminded me that Cameron has the sweetest soul on this earth and how shows empathy like no one else I have met in my life.  

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Nap time

1. The last day of school
The boys are now in THIRD grade.  Per usual I am grateful for their school.  Right now I am SO grateful that the boys are out of school for the summer.  All the lounging in the morning makes my morning so. much. easier.  Can it always be summer?

2. Jack is always laughing
This child of mine is constantly giggling and trying to make other people laugh.  Constantly.

3. The deck
Here are some before/progress pictures from the outside of our lake house.  Holy moly this project has truly been a labor of love.  And I don't think it is a current love - it is the type of love that happens in the future.  We think we will be in love with this house in a few months SOOOO we are putting in some work today.

oh...and Mike officially picked out a boat.  Now we need a name.

4. Nap time lunch
I have had a MISERABLE cold recently.  MISERABLE. I have been sluggish, achy, I can't breathe, I feel like I have the flu.  I'm still at work because I don't have the flu.  I have a COLD.  But today I decided to go home during lunch and take a nap.  It was HEAVENLY.  I did not want to get up and come back to work. It is beautiful outside and I had an extremely hard time peeling my butt up to get back into work.

5.  Clean House
My house is CLEAN.  Mike was busy vacuuming away when I came home from my nap.  It was nice and airy and heavenly.  He is the best.

He was looking so old this morning. 

Sunday, June 3, 2018


1.  Rouzer
 I think that he will be floored to see that I finally posted again.  He continues to ask and finally I decided to sit down and write.  Per usual, the month of May has hit pretty hard and I am excited to get my shit back together and kick the rest of the year in the ass. 

Cheers to my fabulous husband who always takes care of me, doesn't judge my shenanigans and helps encourage me in all my crazy endeavors. 

2. Grandpa
On Wednesday I was able to leave work after a few morning meetings and head back up to Valpo to be with my grandparents.  After 2 hours of being there my grandfather passed away.  I don't have many words to say about this experience but what I DO know is that I am so freaking grateful for him and grateful that I was able to say goodbye.

3. The Lake House
This little shack is REALLY making some progress.  We were able to go down yesterday morning after the boys baseball game.  It has been so fun to play outside all day and spend time with each other.  I must say -- I could do without the fighting but usually once we are in the water there are very little complaints.

4. The neighbors
I am not sure I can say anymore wonderful things about our neighbors.  I love that we have so many littles on our street AND Mandy just brought Grace home today.  Not only do we have great people but Michael and Rhonda are adding a POOL.  So basically we are in heaven.

5. I started working out again.
I hope that this becomes a little more routine in my life and turns into a MUST and not a SHOULD.  (Yes - I listen to a LOT of Tony Robbins).