Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Nap time

1. The last day of school
The boys are now in THIRD grade.  Per usual I am grateful for their school.  Right now I am SO grateful that the boys are out of school for the summer.  All the lounging in the morning makes my morning so. much. easier.  Can it always be summer?

2. Jack is always laughing
This child of mine is constantly giggling and trying to make other people laugh.  Constantly.

3. The deck
Here are some before/progress pictures from the outside of our lake house.  Holy moly this project has truly been a labor of love.  And I don't think it is a current love - it is the type of love that happens in the future.  We think we will be in love with this house in a few months SOOOO we are putting in some work today.

oh...and Mike officially picked out a boat.  Now we need a name.

4. Nap time lunch
I have had a MISERABLE cold recently.  MISERABLE. I have been sluggish, achy, I can't breathe, I feel like I have the flu.  I'm still at work because I don't have the flu.  I have a COLD.  But today I decided to go home during lunch and take a nap.  It was HEAVENLY.  I did not want to get up and come back to work. It is beautiful outside and I had an extremely hard time peeling my butt up to get back into work.

5.  Clean House
My house is CLEAN.  Mike was busy vacuuming away when I came home from my nap.  It was nice and airy and heavenly.  He is the best.

He was looking so old this morning. 

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