Monday, May 31, 2010

Kitchen Floor

So on Mother's Day Kristen, a friend from high school, took pictures of the new little members of the family. Here are some of the pictures. Thank you mom for doing this for me. I love them and I am thrilled to be able to capture this time with the family.

2. Nicole
Nicole came over for a few hours today. I haven't seen her since I went to Boston. Wow--that was a long time ago. We are able to just pick up like we hung out last night. It was great to see usual.
3. Cleaning the house
I was able to get a lot of stuff done this afternoon. I guess the one that took the longest, but was the best for my soul, was cleaning the kitchen. It took forever to clean the floor because there were all these tiny spots of baby food. Owen will sometimes spray food out of his mouth when he starts to laugh or cry. I guess I didn't realize how long it would take to clean up. But now I have a very clean kitchen.
4. Days off work
Last night at work the beeping was getting to me. I think that every call light, IV pump, and who knows what...was beeping. Goodness....glad I don't work again until Thursday.
5. Ashley's Wedding
I am really looking forward to Ashley's wedding. She has been working so hard on it and I know that it is going to be wonderful. It has been on my mind a lot lately and I am VERY excited.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


1. The backyard
So here is a picture of the boys playing in the backyard. I set them in the shade and they did really well. I sat in the sun and got a little color. It was awesome.

2. Flowers
My mom brought these over for me last week. They have lasted forever. They are from her yard and smell amazing. Love love love fresh flowers.

3. Air conditioning
It is starting to get crazy hot outside. Like insane crazy. So air conditioning is wonderful. Very happy to have air conditioning.

4. Turning off the lights
I didn't realize how happy it makes me to keep the lights off. I don't like to sit in the dark, but I don't like to waste energy. Basically yeah--turn off the lights.

5. The boys
They make me happy. Pretty basic and pretty wonderful. I took this picture of Cameron last week when he was sleeping in my bed. Nap time rarely happened so it definitely needed a picture.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


1. Good morning
So the clock reads 6:08am right now. I decided to go back to trying to write first thing because it seems that if I don't...the day gets away from me. The boys have had their bottle and are back into bed. I decided last night that I need more pictures with them since I am always behind the camera. are some that I took 30 minutes the 5am hour.

2. Playing together
These pictures are also from this morning. I was taking dirty diapers back to the trash and I here Cameron start to cry so I come back and notice Owen is trying to play with him. They are starting to interact more and it is fun to just sit and watch what they do.
Eventually Cameron wanted his blanket back.

3. Support
I wake up from my few hours of sleep yesterday and find a huge package of goodies. Emily took my list off the fridge and bought me things like sandwich bags and fabric softener. It was awesome and a great surprise.

4. Shelby's 25th Birthday
Last night I went to Binkleys to celebrate Shelby's birthday. I had a martini and a really good salad. I also saw Amy who I haven't seen in weeks which is always lots of fun. Sarah watched the boys and it nice to get out of the house. (Thank you Sarah!!)

5. Naps
I am going to try and sleep during the rest of the morning nap. It will probably be only another 45 minutes but it will still be AWESOME. I miss my daily naps that I took before the babies.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


1. Steph and Starbucks
Steph came over this morning to visit and brought Starbucks. It was so good to hang out and catch up. When I am with her I always remember how much I love spending time and talking with her.

2. Emily and the kids
Emily came over today to watch the boys while I got my hair fixed. Her kids are so sweet. Here is what was going on when I got home. Thank you so much for your help~including helping me brainstorm how to save $$$!!

3. Clean Fridge
I cleaned my fridge today. It wasn't a complete disaster but it looks much better now!
4. Mom
Tonight my mom is watching the boys by herself. They are down right now but who really knows how the night will go. Then she is waking up and going to work all day. Bless her heart. Hopefully it is a quite night.
5. Work
So I was able to work tonight. Being able to pick up nights, switch my schedule, or whatever I need to do is SOOOO great. It is nice to not have to work 8-5 five days a week.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


1. The POOL
Today was HOT HOT HOT. We made our first of many trips to the pool. The boys did great. I was nervous that Cameron was going to flip out. BUT the Turows keep their pool at a perfect temp so it wasn't felt perfect. This week I am going to look into getting stuff for the pool. I think that we will spend many summer days there.

2. McDonalds Mocha Frappe
This morning my dad brought me one of these for after my nap. I pulled it out once we got home from the pool. YUM. It was so good. I have never had iced coffee before. I think because it was in my fridge it was super cold and super awesome. So I just looked up how many calories are in one of these...I think that this was a one time enjoyment. But man it was good.
3. Busy Week
I have a busy week ahead. This actually makes me happy because it will go by fast. Hopefully we will have good weather so I can walk everyday. I feel like the past few weeks have just ticked by so slowly.
4. Owen's Face
I know that you can't tell from the pictures but Owen's face is starting to look better. I don't think that he likes the antibiotic cream on his face though. I hope that it is not burning him but he cries when I put it on. I can immediately make him start smiling though so who knows.
5. Air conditioning
So many people know that it takes it to be VERY hot in my house for me to turn the air on. I am all about the fresh air and saving money. Well now with little babies and baby sitters I feel that I must turn the air on. This is a little bittersweet. It feels great in that makes me happy. But then I think of the energy. I know...get over it. Don't worry--I am.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Fuzzy Hair

1. Dermatologist Visit and Fuzzy Hair
So Owen had his visit this week. It went well. She said that his baby acne was terrible. But the good was just baby acne. So we got some new meds and hopefully in a few weeks his face will look so much better. One of the meds is a shampoo that I need to use every other day. Owen's fuzzy hair after his bath is so cute. I love it. Here is a picture from this night. You can't tell he has fuzzy hair...but he does.

2. Emily and Holli
We had a play date this week with Emily and Holli. The food was awesome and it was so nice to sit and catch up. Here is a picture of Cameron and Gabe. It doesn't really show in this picture, but they are almost the same height! Gabe is so little and sweet. Plus his head is in the 1% and Cameron's is HUGE so it was pretty funny. It will be great when new baby Liechty and baby Gosser are here. There will be 7 kids!!

3. Laundry
I am getting laundry done right now and catching up on DVR. I am sure within the hour I will be in bed. It is nice to get all of it done, folded, and put away.
4. The weather
It is so nice here today. It actually felt like summer was coming. On our walk there were tons of people out laying mulch. Can't wait until we have lots of days like this in a row.
5. Package from Erin
So yesterday I got a huge package of clothes from Erin. I got new jeans, shorts, tops....sooooo excited. This will be my new summer wardrobe. Thank you so much Erin!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

First Times

1. The first throw up

So I guess that I am glad that I got this under my belt. I left the room and when I came back Cameron had his lunch EVERYWHERE. It was all over him, all over the floor, all over the Boppy. As you can didn't bother him until I put him into the bath. As you can see at the bottom of the picture Owen was right there. I moved him and when I came back from doing a bath with Cameron...he rolled himself back over and was playing in it. Awesome.

2. Rolling Over
So I was typing number 1 out, Cameron rolled from his back to his belly. We have been working on this for weeks and it has been obvious that he is able to roll over...he just didn't want to. So today was the day. Trust me--VERY exciting.

3. Pandora
I guess that I did not realize how NOT cool I am. I just found out about this website, Pandora. Thank you to all of the losers who never told me about it...I think that is just about everyone. Maybe you thought that I was cool and used this site so no need to mention it. Well now I am. I listen everyday.

4. Lauren
Lauren came over for dinner last night and brought Panera. The boys were a little crazy but it was so great to see Lauren. She even helped me go through my closest just in case I ever want to go out. Much needed time. Thank you!

5. My schedule
I have come to a quick realization that my schedule sucks. I am VERY happy for a job but every weekend, during the summer, is not going to be fun. So send all your good vibes my way so I don't die. But yes...happy to even have a schedule.

Isn't this cute of Owen sleeping with his little feet crossed.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ahead of Schedule

1. Pampers Points
So I have officially saved enough Pampers Points to get the reward that I wanted. 200 prints from Shutterfly. Now I can buy photos like these from Mother's Day. (Keep saving those points Erin....I am still collecting!)

2. Bases back in the car
My car seat bases are finally back in my car. My car is so old that I have to use a clip and lots of strength to get the seats back in secure. And last week I did sit ups that made my abs hurt for 4 days so that shows how much strength I have. Hopefully the next time the bases come out is when I get a new car.
3. Other people reading the blog
During the past few weeks a few people mentioned reading the blog. It is fun to think that other people read up on the boys and our lives besides my mom and sister.
4. The sweet men
Here is a picture from this morning of the sweet little men in my life. They refused to look at the camera so this was the best that I could do. I don't know if the timestamp works on the blog but we are way ahead of schedule today. We are up, dressed, and playing all before 8 am.
5. Hand-me Downs
I would not survive without the hand-me downs. I have been able to save so much money and the boys are thrilled to actually have toys. I am looking around right now and everything that they play with someone has let us borrow except the play mat. Thank you~thank you.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Done Deal

1. Back to the blog
So I am back at it. I have a new computer and I am able to write my blog again. Pretty exciting.

2. Done Deal
So I heard a new song this weekend. It is called Done Deal and it is pretty awesome. That's it.

3. Slumber Parties
Last night was Ashley's Bachelorette party. It was really fun. It was great to be able to gossip, hang out, and relax.

4. Yard Work
My parents came over and did TONS of work in the yard this weekend. How can that not make you happy?

5. Naps
I am exhausted. I am looking forward to a nap in the next 5 minutes. I have a baby shower this afternoon and then off to work. Yes....looking forward to the nap.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Quick List

I have not had that much access to the Internet right now and I won't for the next few weeks. Here are some pictures from Mother's Day and a list of some of the things happening in our busy lives that make me very happy.

1. Cameron's first tooth

2. Getting 2 half dollar coins from a man at the library

3. Adding a third feeding into the day

4. Cameron's continuous belly laugh at meal time

5. Mother's Day
6. A clean kitchen floor

7. Bulldog onesies from the Gap

8. Having time to talk with my patient who was afraid to fall asleep
9. Owen holding his own bottle

10. White House Black Market

11. Sleeping in until 6am this morning!!

12. Winning $20
13. The boys taking a 2 and a half hour far!
14. Owen getting into the dermatologist next week

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Midnight Feeding

I just did the boys midnight feeding and decided that I needed to update the blog. Here is a picture from my grandparents being in town today. What a wonderful life.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Big Plans

1. The weekend
So another big weekend is on the way. Erin and Jess are coming in with Sawyer late tonight. My grandparents are coming in at around 2pm tomorrow afternoon and then the rest of the family is coming to my mom's tomorrow at 11am to celebrate Mother's Day. I am sure that I will have a TON of pictures once the weekend is over. Tonight I am going to work and then the fun begins!

2. Owen's Walker
So Owen is moving like crazy. He gets in the walker and just walks around the kitchen. It was pretty wild to watch last night for the first time.

Cameron on the other hand has no interest in moving at all. None. The past few days, I have thought more about it, and he actually makes me a little nervous. I am going to talk to Kara about it on Sunday and then Julie (the PT) next week. I am sure that they will say he is ok....but it still makes me nervous.

3. Pam and Bruce
Tonight my Aunt Pam and Bruce are coming over to watch the boys while I go to work. I am so grateful for their help. I think that I might talk to her about coming over for a few hours one night after work so I can get more yard work done. We shall see...

4. Ashley

Last night Ashley stopped by on her way home from picking up her wedding rings. It was nice to catch up. It was also very nice to have extra hands in the evening. She helped me feed the boys solids, get them in their PJs, and feed them their bottles. It was great. (I feel like they eat ALL the time.)

5. New Recipes

No...I have not made any new recipes. I never really even go to the grocery store. BUT I am about to run out of food so I pulled my cookbook out and THOUGHT about making a new recipe next week. The thought will become reality Monday night. And to be honest, it is something that I love.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Real Simple

Everyday the Real Simple website sends me a quote. Here are some of them that have made me happy recently.

1. "If life gives you limes, make Margaritas" -Jimmy Buffet

2. "Walking gets the feet moving, the blood moving, the mind moving. And movement is life." -Carrie Latet

3. "A good friend is a connection to life~a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to insanity in a totally insane world." -Lois Wyse

4. "Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts." -Charles Dickens

5. "A good home must be made, not bought." -Joyce Maynard

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


1. Doctor's Appointment
First I want to say...I missed Dr. Kara. The NP was ok....but not Dr. Kara. Cameron is 15lbs, 14 oz and has a double ear infection. We started Omnicef again today. So never mind about the pooping. He will be pooping all day again. Owen is 16lbs and 6oz and is being referred to an allergist. So basically, the appointment went ok. Like I said I miss Dr. Kara.

2. Music
I was able to download music and not lose my songs. I got half way there. That is all I can say about that. Besides that..the whole thing made me VERY happy.

3. Sarah
Sarah did not end up coming last night, but came tonight instead. It was so nice to catch up with her and share about our lives. I am so happy to have her friendship.

4. Mother's Day
Today I took the boys to CHE to celebrate Mother's day with my mom. I have been wanting to take the boys in for awhile so I thought that it was the perfect time. They were exhausted so they didn't smile too much but that also means that they didn't cry. It was nice.

5. Memorizing Songs
So...this goes back to the music thing. For some reason (I might be in 4th grade) I like to memorize songs. I don't usually do it...but I like to try. So there is a new, popular song out right now that I am going to try to memorize. There is one line that makes me smile every time I hear it.."I might break your heart but I don't really think that there is anyone that is bomb as me." I love the word BOMB. It reminds me of Erin Corman...who is not Erin Corman anymore because she is married.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


1. Justine
I have asked a lot from Justine. She was thrown right there into the mix of our lives. So grateful she is there to help and take care of the boys.

2. Playtime
Here are two pictures of the boys playing. They are growing like weeds. Tomorrow is their 6 month appointment. (That means shots!!) Tanya thinks that I should start baby proofing my house. ~Oh...and Shelby just told me I have been spelling her name wrong. Sorry Tanya.

3. Monday (Tuesday) Night
I switched days with Cathy this pay period so I worked last night. So it is like tonight is my usual Monday night. I am pretty excited that for my glass of wine this evening. If I can stay up late enough then Sarah is coming over to catch up.
4. Cameron
Cameron just woke up from his nap and he is sitting in my lap right now. Cameron is so fun to be with. I know that sitting in my lap is not the coolest thing in the world...but when we play...he is just so sweet. He has the best belly laugh and it is easy to make him smile and he instantly melts your heart.
5. Poop and Spit Up
So Cameron just spit up in my lap. His reflex is getting better...but still there. Also, the poop has SLOWED down!!! This is reason for my wallet to celebrate. We are finally done with the breast milk and I am not changing a diaper every hour.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Dr. Hertz

1. Dr. Hertz
As I was leaving work this morning I saw Dr. Hertz talking in the hallway. He was the boys NICU doctor. He was great to work with and seeing him made me thankful for the whole NICU staff.

2. Shelby and Tonya
So when I got home from Ashley's shower this afternoon Tonya and Shelby where here. They listened to me vent while at the same time making bottles and holding the boys. We were even invited over for some baked ziti.

3. 6pm
So right now I am thrilled that the boys are exhausted and can never stay up past 6pm. I am going to head to bed myself. (I didn't end up going to dinner at Tonya's.) The only thing is....I don't always want them to go to bed at 6. Every night I try to make them stay up later. Not only do they just continue to cry but they immediately fall asleep. Anyways, tonight it is a blessing.

4. Ashley's shower
I went to Ashley's bridal shower today. It made me super excited for her bachelorette party in a few weeks. I also enjoyed some great food and I am still full!

5. Baby Einstein
Have I said this before? I think that I have. Can't live without it right now. The boys are hooked.