Tuesday, May 25, 2010


1. Steph and Starbucks
Steph came over this morning to visit and brought Starbucks. It was so good to hang out and catch up. When I am with her I always remember how much I love spending time and talking with her.

2. Emily and the kids
Emily came over today to watch the boys while I got my hair fixed. Her kids are so sweet. Here is what was going on when I got home. Thank you so much for your help~including helping me brainstorm how to save $$$!!

3. Clean Fridge
I cleaned my fridge today. It wasn't a complete disaster but it looks much better now!
4. Mom
Tonight my mom is watching the boys by herself. They are down right now but who really knows how the night will go. Then she is waking up and going to work all day. Bless her heart. Hopefully it is a quite night.
5. Work
So I was able to work tonight. Being able to pick up nights, switch my schedule, or whatever I need to do is SOOOO great. It is nice to not have to work 8-5 five days a week.

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