Sunday, May 23, 2010


1. The POOL
Today was HOT HOT HOT. We made our first of many trips to the pool. The boys did great. I was nervous that Cameron was going to flip out. BUT the Turows keep their pool at a perfect temp so it wasn't felt perfect. This week I am going to look into getting stuff for the pool. I think that we will spend many summer days there.

2. McDonalds Mocha Frappe
This morning my dad brought me one of these for after my nap. I pulled it out once we got home from the pool. YUM. It was so good. I have never had iced coffee before. I think because it was in my fridge it was super cold and super awesome. So I just looked up how many calories are in one of these...I think that this was a one time enjoyment. But man it was good.
3. Busy Week
I have a busy week ahead. This actually makes me happy because it will go by fast. Hopefully we will have good weather so I can walk everyday. I feel like the past few weeks have just ticked by so slowly.
4. Owen's Face
I know that you can't tell from the pictures but Owen's face is starting to look better. I don't think that he likes the antibiotic cream on his face though. I hope that it is not burning him but he cries when I put it on. I can immediately make him start smiling though so who knows.
5. Air conditioning
So many people know that it takes it to be VERY hot in my house for me to turn the air on. I am all about the fresh air and saving money. Well now with little babies and baby sitters I feel that I must turn the air on. This is a little bittersweet. It feels great in that makes me happy. But then I think of the energy. I know...get over it. Don't worry--I am.

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