Saturday, May 22, 2010

Fuzzy Hair

1. Dermatologist Visit and Fuzzy Hair
So Owen had his visit this week. It went well. She said that his baby acne was terrible. But the good was just baby acne. So we got some new meds and hopefully in a few weeks his face will look so much better. One of the meds is a shampoo that I need to use every other day. Owen's fuzzy hair after his bath is so cute. I love it. Here is a picture from this night. You can't tell he has fuzzy hair...but he does.

2. Emily and Holli
We had a play date this week with Emily and Holli. The food was awesome and it was so nice to sit and catch up. Here is a picture of Cameron and Gabe. It doesn't really show in this picture, but they are almost the same height! Gabe is so little and sweet. Plus his head is in the 1% and Cameron's is HUGE so it was pretty funny. It will be great when new baby Liechty and baby Gosser are here. There will be 7 kids!!

3. Laundry
I am getting laundry done right now and catching up on DVR. I am sure within the hour I will be in bed. It is nice to get all of it done, folded, and put away.
4. The weather
It is so nice here today. It actually felt like summer was coming. On our walk there were tons of people out laying mulch. Can't wait until we have lots of days like this in a row.
5. Package from Erin
So yesterday I got a huge package of clothes from Erin. I got new jeans, shorts, tops....sooooo excited. This will be my new summer wardrobe. Thank you so much Erin!!

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