Friday, October 31, 2014


1. Busy weeks
We started off this week, on Sunday, reviewing what we had going on each night.  It consisted of absolutely nothing.  We were both shocked and a bit happy that we had no plans this week.  Maybe our nights would consist of nothing besides tooling around the house.  Somehow, rather quickly, every single night filled up.  Monday night I took Eloise to ballet.  Tuesday night we had family dinner at my parents house.  Wednesday night the Gurchiek family came over for dinner.  Thursday night we had a halloween party at Catherine's house.  Friday night (tonight) we have Halloween and plan on going trick or treating and then to a party in TangleWood. 
2. Halloween Party
Last night we went to a last minute party at Catherine's.  The boys had a blast.  In the two pictures below the boys are making houses out of candy and frosting.  They didn't have much dinner but I think that is how tonight will turn out too.

3. Thank you notes
I made my kids write all of their own thank you notes for their birthday presents.  After school for two afternoons they sat and wrote out, "Thank you Love Owen" and then Cameron would sign his name.  That is all the note said and we sent them out yesterday. I am pretty proud that we got those done!!

4. Parenting Fail
Though I had my kids do thank you notes, I had a MAJOR parenting fail yesterday morning.  We seem to push it every morning with how much time we need to get ready.  I try to shower, get ready, make coffee, both our lunches, get the kids ready, do breakfast, and get out the door (with our broken garage door) in 45 minutes.  It just pushes it -- so then all four of us start to get a little testy.  The boys were going extra slow and my morning routine seemed extra long.  So needless to say, I made myself get out of bed and start my shower 15 minutes earlier so we could be stress free in the morning.  I even had time to empty the dishwaser.  The garage door on the other hand still held me up (but at least I was in a better mood to tolerate the day!)

5. Rouzer
My husband is going through something crazy at work right now.  He is constantly on my mind.  It will be interesting to see how these next few months play out for his career.  Grateful for his work ethic, his beast mode, and his dedication to his family.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Oct 28

1. Pumpkins
It is that time of year again.  After the boys helped clean the pumpkins out and determine what they should be, Mike carved them.  I think that they turned out GREAT.  Oh, it's a super hero life here…

2. Neighborhood parade
While we were getting our pumpkins at Kroger this year (3 for $10!!) we ran into Amber.  She told us about the neighborhood parade that was happening that night (Sunday).   We were excited to join and actually had a great time.  I am looking forward to more events in our hood.

3. Facepaint
….and all of the other presents.  Our house is full.  Our house is always full but right now our house is super full with all of the extra presents.  Sunday morning we did some face painting.  Owen was someone named "Four Arms."  Interesting I know…I had to look it up.

4. The party
I didn't write much about the party and I am still not going to say a whole lot.  We had great weather.  Good food.  And the boys had a blast.  We actually played games like relay races and musical chairs.  

5. Shutterfly Book
Today I FINALLY ordered our Europe shutterfly book.  I hope it turns out ok.  I got so sick of looking at it that I just ordered it.  I also ordered pictures to put into the boys birthday book.  That is something on my to-do list for tomorrow…the boys birthday books.   It is on the list with many other things.  Wha wha wha.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

McCarthy Family

1. Pure exhaustion
There are times when I am grateful for this feeling.  It means that I am LIVING life and living it to the fullest.  This has been one of the those weekends.  The McCarthy family came into town last night and spent the night and then the boys had their 5th birthday party this afternoon.  Immediately after the birthday party Mike made a last minute trip to Columbus to go out with his friends.  So needless to say, my legs are throbbing, I would LOVE a glass of wine, and I am so so grateful for this life.  

2. Kelly
I can go on forever about Kelly and their great family.  It was so refreshing to have them here.  Dylan recently turned one and it was wild how much he reminded me of my boys at that age.  You quickly forget how they crawl into the dishwasher and get into EVERYTHING.  It was great to catch up and I hope that we do these trips WAY more often.  What a great friend.

3. Play doh
The boys love play doh.  I hate it.  It is a disastrous mess that I always have to sweep up.  So this year when my parents got it for them (I finally gave in) then they were TRILLED.  They sat and played for an hour.  Cameron made this ninja turtle and put it into the skeletons eye while we were eating dinner. 

4. Birthday party
It was a beautiful day and we had a great party.  These parties are a lot of work.  And though we saved money having it at our house and making it really low key, I don't think that we will do that again for awhile.

5. Cameron's bedtime routine
Tonight is a perfect example of Cameron's crazy ass bedtime routine.  Owen usually falls asleep immediately and pretty quickly.  Cameron on the other hand, does not.  And tonight, filled with exhaustion, it is always hard to jump through all of Cameron's hoops.  So tonight, as I am sitting in the dark in the living room typing up this blog and he just came out to tell me that we forgot to sing songs.  We didn't forget but I told him that I will sing him one anyways.  Right now his favorite song is called the "I love you song."  We sang it, did lots more hugs and kisses and he still backed slowly into his room and I am not sure if he is even in bed yet.  That kid cracks me up.  But he is really stinking cute when he does is whole night time routine.  He isn't bad and he doesn't whine or cry so it's hard not to just give him a few extra minutes of love each night.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

5 years old

1. Birthday Time
It is hard to imagine all that has taken place in the last five years with our lives.  Since I haven't done anything BIG in a few years I wanted to try and make this birthday pretty special.  I don't really believe in the huge parties every year or the millions of presents.  BUT I do want them to enjoy this crazy, wonderful life.

The morning started with 40 balloons in their room. I did this with a bit less balloons when they turned two.  It was such a different reaction.  This year they could actually form sentences and tell us what they thought.  The first thing that Cameron said this morning was, "Thank you."  They were able to enjoy the shenanigans that go along with 40 balloons at 7 am.  I had promised Owen that he could go to breakfast at school (yes….this was something that he has asked for and I say no) so once they got to school they did that…hopefully.  We also let them open some gifts this morning as well.  

For lunch Mike surprised them and brought happy meals and they all enjoyed lunch together.  After school my parents picked them up and they received more presents!!  Tonight we had spaghetti for dinner, did baths, and then they opened presents from us.  They were EXHAUSTED and fully passed out at 745, a good 15 minutes before bed time.  Cheers to a wonderful day. 

2. The blog
This afternoon I had some time at work while I watched the clock and waited to leave.  I could of left but since I only work 3 days a week I try to get my full 8 hours in while I am there.  So as I was sitting there I started looking back at the blog.  It was enlightening.  I am super glad that I do the blog even though I am the only person who looks at it -- and besides today I only look at it while I am typing it up.  I also wish I would never stopped for so long but grateful that I picked it back up again.

3. Valpo
On Monday the boys and I did a SHORT trip to Valpo.   I was picking them up from their time with Greg so I decided to take a few short hours and see them.  These trips with kids are always a tad bit more difficult than just being there as adults.  I left the place in shambles and didn't help with a dish.  It was a bit embarrassing but also hard when my grandma INSISTS on me not helping with anything.  Both of my grandparents are not in good health so I am so grateful that I got to spend time with them…even if it was only a few short hours.
4. Parent/Teacher Conferences
Monday was our first official parent conferences.  We asked lots of questions and expressed our worries and concerns about the boys.  To be completely honest we just want to make sure that they are well behaved and happy.  The teachers had nothing but glowing reviews.  The only tinge of negative was the Cameron can't sit by certain people during morning circle time because he talks to much.  Since Cameron rarely stops talking, this bit of information was not surprising at all.  I think that we walked out of there pretty proud to be associated with these two boys.

5.  The box fan
I use this OLD, ghetto box fan every night in my room.  I don't know when it started…it is farther back than I can remember…. But I started needing noise to help me sleep at night.  For awhile I used an app on my phone that would automatically shut off and I only used this huge, ugly and extremely loud fan when the boys were out of town.  Now that they are older and come into my room if they need me I use the fan every single night.  I am actually a bit nervous when I need to go back to not having a fan since baby JackJack will be joining us.

**On a side note, my crazy ass husband wanted to point out that he shares this room too and that he also uses the box fan.  His exact words were, "If the whole world ended and the only thing that was left was this blog, no one would know that you were married and that you were happy."  When I immediately rolled my eyes and said, "I talk about you all the time." He used his finger to point to the words and in a very slow voice read the first sentence of #5.  So, just to be clear…..I am happy & married. **

Sunday, October 19, 2014


It is a shame that the actual pictures that I want to post don't usually turn out correct and so they don't ever get posted.  BUT some pictures are better than NO pictures.  ….and that will just have to be the common theme from now on…..   Oh, and clearly the pictures are not in any type of order.  

1. No more chemo
Yay!!!  The last day of chemo is complete and what a WONDERFUL day that it was.  The amount of love and support that my mom has is absolutely amazing.  She had an entire room filled as she got the last few drips and was able to ring out.  It was truly a day to celebrate.  So glad that this hurdle is behind her and she can move on to the next.  Extremely grateful that she was able to get through without any major complications.  Cheers!!  (Oh, and there are chemo tuesday pictures sprinkled throughout the post because I can't get it together enough to put all the pictures together.)

I am a sucker for a good instagram and Pinterest quotes.  I don't know why….but I love them.  I don't post them on my own instagram but I frequently take a screen shot and then save to send via text as I need.  As for this one, it is not the best thing that I have ever seen but it is one of the pictures that made it to the blog correctly so I thought that I would share.  

3. Oldies but Goodies
Since the boys have been gone all week I decided to post some pictures from the months that I did not do the blog at all.  We have really had some great memories.

This was taken this summer before Mike and I went to Europe. 

**Another instagram or Pinterest quote.***  

Cameron walking into the gym dressed as the Flash

 Our sweet dog, Nash, who sleeps in Owen's bed.  In this picture Cameron is laying in Owen's bed and posing for the photo.  

 This was from our first slumber party after my sister passed away.  It was the day after Erin's funeral and that night I found out I was pregnant. 

Our obsession with corn has not ended.  

4. Colts game
Today Mike and I went to the Colts game.  We actually sold our tickets for this weekend because we were not planning on going but last week he was given these tickets at work for free.  The seats were awesome and we had a blast.  

5. Birthday week
Holy Moly I can not believe that the boys will be 5 in a few short days.  It is insane how quickly time flies.  My sweet Cameron -- he is usually laid back and easy but at times he can turn and be whiney and difficult.  For the most part he is my giggle monster who LOVES super heroes and has a million friends.  He loves to sing songs and talk.  He talks NON STOP.  My sweet Owen -- he is my helper.  He wants to help in the kitchen and always checks on me if I am doing chores in another room.  He can be ultra sensitive at times but after some deep breaths and a few moments alone and wipes his tears and keeps playing.  He loves to color and asks to play on the iPad and chance he can get.  Everyday the boys grow more and more into themselves.  It has been such a blessing to be part of their 5 years and I can't wait to see where the next years take us.   

Monday, October 13, 2014

Walt Disney

1. Kidless weekend
Don't get me wrong, I love my boys, but oh how I love sleeping in and doing whatever I want to do.  I get a TON of stuff done.  This past weekend the boys went to Greg's and they are now in Disney for the week.  (Yes--I am extremely jealous.)  Mike and my dad put in a window, we played board games, made two fires, and even purchased a new (HUGE) bed for Nash.  It will be a long, quiet week.  Cheers!  (I am imagining I really have wine in my hand, it's wonderful)

2.  No more Lifetime
I am still not sure how to wrap my mind around this one but this past week Mike and I decided to cancel our gym membership.  Lifetime has FREQUENTLY made this list and really helped me survive life at many times.  The past few months I have not used the gym and just find the price to be growing and growing and becoming too much for my cheap way of life.  I didn't cry this time when I quit.  Last time I cried and then ended up not quitting.  Regardless, no more Lifetime….starting in December.  AND looking forward to starting a new gym in the future.  ***I am sure the YMCA will start seeing our faces***

3. Official School Pictures
The FIRST official school pictures.  I think that they turned out great.  Even with Owen's permanent bed head and the bug bites all over their faces.

4.  "Juice"
Watered down, crystal light.  Well the generic crystal light.  That is what I call juice in our home.  It's pretty wonderful and pretty standard and basically just drinking water with a tad bit of flavor.  We go through a lot of "juice."

5.  Stable. Happy. Calm.
We are pretty lucky people.  We have lots of giggles in this house.  Lots of work and lots of play.

I have watched too much Scandal.   Obssession.  Insanity.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


So today I don't have the energy to continue trying over and over to fix the damn photos.  BUT I still want ones in the post so they are just going to be sideways.  So I am sorry but you will have to  tip your damn computer to look and see my sweet, crazy boy Cameron.

1. Date Day
We had our second official date day this weekend.  Owen went with Mike to his first Colts game and I took Cameron to Monkey Joes and then frozen yogurt.  Here are some pictures from their great date and then I will talk about mine in a few short words.  

**This was right before our date**

2. Life is silly
It gets pretty silly around here.  Today Owen and I were taking selfies and he HAD to show his candy on his tongue.  He is so stinking silly.  We were sitting there talking about how after JackJack is born he will be able to sit on my lap again and I will carry him around again.  He said, "we can start all over."  Immediately I thought about how big this dude is…how he is only getting bigger…and how soon his days of sitting on my lap will be over.  (he doesn't even like to hold my hand walking into school).  Those will be sad days.  My sweet boys are growing up.  Holy moly can't I press pause?  Can't I go back and just enjoy it a bit longer?

3. Scandal
My Aunt Cindy briefly said that she loved Scandal at a birthday party on Saturday.  On Sunday I didn't have anything to watch on Netflix while folding laundry because I never have anything to watch.  Soooo…I turned on this show.  Addiction.  HOLY HELL.  Then, on Sunday night instead of sleeping, I began watching.  And when the I finally turned the show off…I couldn't sleep.  Not sleeping is a bad thing for the restless mind.  Damn you Scandal.  (Though I am watching you right now as I type)

4. My date
A few brief notes on my date.  I used a "free admission coupon" to get into Monkey Joes.  I have never been there and I was not impressed.  That being said, I am sure I will go back.  Cameron loved it and I was bored out of my mind.  Parents are not allowed to jump.  It would be ok if I had another adult friend to sit and talk with but no such luck.  On the other hand Cameron made a friend.  We called him, "the kid."  I was really proud to be Cameron's mom because he wanted to make sure that we included and shared everything with his friend.  Everything.  And the kid even got in our pictures.  After Monkey Joes we went and had frozen yogurt.  Used a 50% of coupon.  And then we went home and did face paint.  (Yes…I was proud of our cheap date)

In the picture below Cameron wanted me to keep taking it to get the perfect one of him running.  He is such a crazy, wonderful gem in my life.  He keeps me on my toes, makes me laugh like crazy….and not just me…but everyone.  My sweet sweet boy.

5. Karen
This is a lady that I work with.  She is the ONLY one who has the day off next Tuesday.  And she actually has the entire week off and already told me that she really doesn't want to work.  But today, I shamelessly asked her again.  Maybe she could just work a few hours for me next Tuesday…AND SHE SAID YES!!!  So next Tuesday I get to go to lunch with my mom and some of our family and celebrate her last day of chemo.  Cheers!!  So grateful for wonderful people like Karen.

And one last thing.  I made myself promise to only watch ONE episode of scandal.  And it is now over.  And I am pretty sad about the whole thing.  FML.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

the normal days

1. Ordinary Life
I think that we live a pretty ordinary life.  I will admit, ours is pretty wonderful and I think that we have a great groove that leaves everyone feeling fulfilled and happy -- but overall it is pretty ordinary.  We work, we go to school, we play hard, love hard, and still try to figure it all out at the same time.  Today life didn't present us with any huge decisions, complications, or disasters.  It was pretty ordinary and pretty wonderful.

2. Clean house = happy soul
I will admit, my house being clean makes me pretty darn happy.  I have noticed that with two 4 year olds and a dog (who sheds more than any other dog in the world) it seems to be a disaster more days than not.  Being off and being able to frequently clean the bathrooms and stay on top of the vacuuming has helped tremendously.  Oh, and my husband.  Today while I took a nap Mike picked up the entire house and finished putting up the Halloween decorations.

3. Cameron's school troubles
On Thursday I asked Cameron if he got in trouble at school.  I don't know what made me ask…but I did.  He said, "yeah."  No shame.  BUT he could not remember what he did to get him in trouble.  No matter how many suggestions I gave, he could not remember. (clearly a lie)  On Friday morning we talked again and he remembered, slowly, that he had a marker and colored on the shelf.  Mike decided he should still ask Mrs. Geis.  She said that in fact Cameron was in trouble for spitting into the water table.  Then Miss Battle spoke up and that same day Cameron did in fact color on the shelf with a marker.  I am raising a hooligan.  Holy moly that kid is up to no good.  

4. One window is IN
In one of the pictures below we are making s'mores in the rain.  Well if you look closely you can see that one of my new windows is IN.  Holy moly this is so exciting.  Can't wait for the rest of the windows to be placed!! Grateful for my dad and Mike for all of their hard work!!

5.  Soup in a Cup
This week I have basically had soup in a cup every night for dinner.  I don't know why I love this sodium filled, small cup of goodness…but I do.  Except one night.  One night I made an apple crisp and had that instead.  Yup, just pure sugar for dinner that night.  Don't worry, I haven't fed the rest of my house Soup in a Cup for dinner…just me.  Me and JackJack.