Sunday, October 19, 2014


It is a shame that the actual pictures that I want to post don't usually turn out correct and so they don't ever get posted.  BUT some pictures are better than NO pictures.  ….and that will just have to be the common theme from now on…..   Oh, and clearly the pictures are not in any type of order.  

1. No more chemo
Yay!!!  The last day of chemo is complete and what a WONDERFUL day that it was.  The amount of love and support that my mom has is absolutely amazing.  She had an entire room filled as she got the last few drips and was able to ring out.  It was truly a day to celebrate.  So glad that this hurdle is behind her and she can move on to the next.  Extremely grateful that she was able to get through without any major complications.  Cheers!!  (Oh, and there are chemo tuesday pictures sprinkled throughout the post because I can't get it together enough to put all the pictures together.)

I am a sucker for a good instagram and Pinterest quotes.  I don't know why….but I love them.  I don't post them on my own instagram but I frequently take a screen shot and then save to send via text as I need.  As for this one, it is not the best thing that I have ever seen but it is one of the pictures that made it to the blog correctly so I thought that I would share.  

3. Oldies but Goodies
Since the boys have been gone all week I decided to post some pictures from the months that I did not do the blog at all.  We have really had some great memories.

This was taken this summer before Mike and I went to Europe. 

**Another instagram or Pinterest quote.***  

Cameron walking into the gym dressed as the Flash

 Our sweet dog, Nash, who sleeps in Owen's bed.  In this picture Cameron is laying in Owen's bed and posing for the photo.  

 This was from our first slumber party after my sister passed away.  It was the day after Erin's funeral and that night I found out I was pregnant. 

Our obsession with corn has not ended.  

4. Colts game
Today Mike and I went to the Colts game.  We actually sold our tickets for this weekend because we were not planning on going but last week he was given these tickets at work for free.  The seats were awesome and we had a blast.  

5. Birthday week
Holy Moly I can not believe that the boys will be 5 in a few short days.  It is insane how quickly time flies.  My sweet Cameron -- he is usually laid back and easy but at times he can turn and be whiney and difficult.  For the most part he is my giggle monster who LOVES super heroes and has a million friends.  He loves to sing songs and talk.  He talks NON STOP.  My sweet Owen -- he is my helper.  He wants to help in the kitchen and always checks on me if I am doing chores in another room.  He can be ultra sensitive at times but after some deep breaths and a few moments alone and wipes his tears and keeps playing.  He loves to color and asks to play on the iPad and chance he can get.  Everyday the boys grow more and more into themselves.  It has been such a blessing to be part of their 5 years and I can't wait to see where the next years take us.   

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