Saturday, October 25, 2014

McCarthy Family

1. Pure exhaustion
There are times when I am grateful for this feeling.  It means that I am LIVING life and living it to the fullest.  This has been one of the those weekends.  The McCarthy family came into town last night and spent the night and then the boys had their 5th birthday party this afternoon.  Immediately after the birthday party Mike made a last minute trip to Columbus to go out with his friends.  So needless to say, my legs are throbbing, I would LOVE a glass of wine, and I am so so grateful for this life.  

2. Kelly
I can go on forever about Kelly and their great family.  It was so refreshing to have them here.  Dylan recently turned one and it was wild how much he reminded me of my boys at that age.  You quickly forget how they crawl into the dishwasher and get into EVERYTHING.  It was great to catch up and I hope that we do these trips WAY more often.  What a great friend.

3. Play doh
The boys love play doh.  I hate it.  It is a disastrous mess that I always have to sweep up.  So this year when my parents got it for them (I finally gave in) then they were TRILLED.  They sat and played for an hour.  Cameron made this ninja turtle and put it into the skeletons eye while we were eating dinner. 

4. Birthday party
It was a beautiful day and we had a great party.  These parties are a lot of work.  And though we saved money having it at our house and making it really low key, I don't think that we will do that again for awhile.

5. Cameron's bedtime routine
Tonight is a perfect example of Cameron's crazy ass bedtime routine.  Owen usually falls asleep immediately and pretty quickly.  Cameron on the other hand, does not.  And tonight, filled with exhaustion, it is always hard to jump through all of Cameron's hoops.  So tonight, as I am sitting in the dark in the living room typing up this blog and he just came out to tell me that we forgot to sing songs.  We didn't forget but I told him that I will sing him one anyways.  Right now his favorite song is called the "I love you song."  We sang it, did lots more hugs and kisses and he still backed slowly into his room and I am not sure if he is even in bed yet.  That kid cracks me up.  But he is really stinking cute when he does is whole night time routine.  He isn't bad and he doesn't whine or cry so it's hard not to just give him a few extra minutes of love each night.

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