Wednesday, October 22, 2014

5 years old

1. Birthday Time
It is hard to imagine all that has taken place in the last five years with our lives.  Since I haven't done anything BIG in a few years I wanted to try and make this birthday pretty special.  I don't really believe in the huge parties every year or the millions of presents.  BUT I do want them to enjoy this crazy, wonderful life.

The morning started with 40 balloons in their room. I did this with a bit less balloons when they turned two.  It was such a different reaction.  This year they could actually form sentences and tell us what they thought.  The first thing that Cameron said this morning was, "Thank you."  They were able to enjoy the shenanigans that go along with 40 balloons at 7 am.  I had promised Owen that he could go to breakfast at school (yes….this was something that he has asked for and I say no) so once they got to school they did that…hopefully.  We also let them open some gifts this morning as well.  

For lunch Mike surprised them and brought happy meals and they all enjoyed lunch together.  After school my parents picked them up and they received more presents!!  Tonight we had spaghetti for dinner, did baths, and then they opened presents from us.  They were EXHAUSTED and fully passed out at 745, a good 15 minutes before bed time.  Cheers to a wonderful day. 

2. The blog
This afternoon I had some time at work while I watched the clock and waited to leave.  I could of left but since I only work 3 days a week I try to get my full 8 hours in while I am there.  So as I was sitting there I started looking back at the blog.  It was enlightening.  I am super glad that I do the blog even though I am the only person who looks at it -- and besides today I only look at it while I am typing it up.  I also wish I would never stopped for so long but grateful that I picked it back up again.

3. Valpo
On Monday the boys and I did a SHORT trip to Valpo.   I was picking them up from their time with Greg so I decided to take a few short hours and see them.  These trips with kids are always a tad bit more difficult than just being there as adults.  I left the place in shambles and didn't help with a dish.  It was a bit embarrassing but also hard when my grandma INSISTS on me not helping with anything.  Both of my grandparents are not in good health so I am so grateful that I got to spend time with them…even if it was only a few short hours.
4. Parent/Teacher Conferences
Monday was our first official parent conferences.  We asked lots of questions and expressed our worries and concerns about the boys.  To be completely honest we just want to make sure that they are well behaved and happy.  The teachers had nothing but glowing reviews.  The only tinge of negative was the Cameron can't sit by certain people during morning circle time because he talks to much.  Since Cameron rarely stops talking, this bit of information was not surprising at all.  I think that we walked out of there pretty proud to be associated with these two boys.

5.  The box fan
I use this OLD, ghetto box fan every night in my room.  I don't know when it started…it is farther back than I can remember…. But I started needing noise to help me sleep at night.  For awhile I used an app on my phone that would automatically shut off and I only used this huge, ugly and extremely loud fan when the boys were out of town.  Now that they are older and come into my room if they need me I use the fan every single night.  I am actually a bit nervous when I need to go back to not having a fan since baby JackJack will be joining us.

**On a side note, my crazy ass husband wanted to point out that he shares this room too and that he also uses the box fan.  His exact words were, "If the whole world ended and the only thing that was left was this blog, no one would know that you were married and that you were happy."  When I immediately rolled my eyes and said, "I talk about you all the time." He used his finger to point to the words and in a very slow voice read the first sentence of #5.  So, just to be clear…..I am happy & married. **

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