Friday, May 1, 2015

Long time, busy week

Oh my gosh it has been a crazy week.  This was the first week that Mike was home as a stay at home dad.  It was my last week of maternity.  We have LOTS of catching up to do...with each other, with baby Jack, and with our home.  We have been absolute beasts this week and tackled our TO-DO list every day.  Cheers to the weekend....but don't is just as busy.  We have baseball, a trip to Columbus, AND lots of meetings on Sunday evening.  

1. The boys are healthy
....At least healthy enough to go to school!  I have had a sick child home three of the five days this week.  I am all about alone time with the boys but to be honest I would rather have them at school during this last week of break and the only week home with Mike. Regardless --they are both in school right now.  I am putting the breathing treatments away.  I was able to get CHEAP prescriptions because of our lack of insurance.  Did I mention that they are at school?

2. T-ball started
I had started a post earlier this week but never did more than three words.....but baseball was on the top.  We have the first game under our belt.  There are about 8000 kids on the team, and I still had to go out and help coach, but it was still great.  Our next game is on Saturday and then we head straight to Columbus for the night.

 This is Owen's pink eye picture.  It was terrible.  Runny noses = snot in his eyes.  So so so gross.  eekkk

We are now members of the YMCA.  I almost went back to Lifetime but after our YMCA tour and hearing the price for the month I signed up.  I went for my first time this morning and tomorrow Jack will go for his first time in childcare.  I still miss Lifetime but I feel that I will be loving the Y just as much.  I don't love the extra 7 minutes in the car but I can deal for the savings. 

My mom is officially one year out.  Cheers!!!

5. Last Day OFF
Today is officially my last day on maternity leave.  I can't believe it.  To summarize it has been hard and stressful.  I have enjoyed so many cuddles with baby Jack which leaves not much time to get anything else done.  TOTALLY WORTH IT. 

Lots of coffee, not enough wine, and absolutely no working out (besides a handful of times--including this morning) 

 I will still be part time and Mike will be at home.  It will be interesting to see how we make this work. So in order to celebrate I am heading over to Tanya's to enjoy the afternoon with her, Shelby, and the two little ones.  

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