Monday, September 7, 2015

Always Hungry

1. Jack turned 7 months
It is hard to believe how quickly time goes by.  My sweet baby Jack is already 7 months old.  He is starting to crawl and get into EVERYTHING.  He loves playing with his brothers, still has a love/hate relationship with eating, and he doesn't drink his bottles well if there are other things to look at.  He still is not sleeping through the night, does not make a peep on rides in his stroller, and thinks it is hilarious when he gets scared. He makes me happy and keeps me busy.  Yay to surviving another month with sweet baby Jack

2. Pulled pork on the smoker
On Saturday Mike made pulled pork all day AND all night.  He had a lot of fun doing it but he now knows to start these endeavors at 3am....  It was fabulous and will last us for days.

3. My new ride
So this weekend I had a few heart attacks and almost a stroke.  We dipped into our savings account and purchased this new ride.  Don't get me wrong, I am super excited to have a big girl bike but I am also freaking out about the cost.  I am grateful that Mike and I are doing this goal together and looking forward to our ride tomorrow morning.
4. The blog
I frequently go back and read posts from the past.  Even though I cringe at all of the spelling and grammar mistakes I am so grateful that I was able to record some of these memories the past few years.  I don't have much memory of the twins when they were infants.  Even though this blog barely scratches the surface I am glad that I have SOMETHING written down and pictures to go with it.

5. The beach is in less than 2 weeks.

Holy moly I am excited to see the beach!!!!!!

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