Sunday, October 2, 2016

Lots of hours in pajamas

1. A weekend with the boys. Minus Mike.
Mike has had a big weekend.  On Friday night he went to see Joe Rogan with Rob in Columbus and then stayed to try out his hand at hunting.  I am not accurately able to explain how big this is.  On Friday morning I was walking around with the biggest smile knowing how the next 72 hours would unfold for him

As I am writing this out he still hasn't even seen a deer.  Though this would put him over the moon, I know he is still in heaven visiting family, hanging out in the woods, meditating in the trees, seeing Joe Rogan in the flesh ...the list goes on.  I wish I was able to be with him to watch the joy on his face. 

That all being said, I have been able to spend my hours just hanging with the boys.  I have been in pajamas for over 24 hours now and have no interest in leaving the house until Owen's game this afternoon.  Cheers to the weekend!

2. The note
When I got home from work Friday night I quickly jumped into the shower to get ready for "men-less martini night."  When I got out I noticed how Mike set the bed before he left.  He laid out my favorite pajamas and wrote the sweetest note -- of course, reminding me to be safe.  It's the small things, it's the big things, it's everything.  I love being married to Mike.  

3. Friday Night
Since Mike was out of town for his big weekend, my dad got the boys off the bus and then ended up staying the evening so I could go to hang with the girls for a few hours.  Jenna was in town from California so even though we just all got together last month it was great to do it again.  A few martinis and lots of laughs always makes the soul feel a little bit better.

4. The learning is out of this world
Owen -- he wants me to write out math problems every night so he can practice his math skills.  (what?! -- this is actually something I did as a kid too.....)
Jack -- I just taught him to find and bring me the remote so I can start a new episode of Mickey Mouse and I didn't have to get up.  (yes -- this is NOT something to brag about)
Cameron -- things come naturally....possibly.  When he speaks spanish it's absolutely beautiful.  He doesn't like to do anything extra and sort of lets everything just come naturally. (hopefully this plays out well.)

5. Bare cabinets
I am not actually grateful that I don't have food in my house.  Let's be honest -- I wish someone would plan on the meals, go to the store, pay for my groceries, and put everything away. BUT I have almost successfully eaten everything in the house.  I am out of almost EVERYTHING.  Though that sounds like a huge grocery bill coming up -- it also means that we are not wasting much and that I didn't have to leave the house yesterday.

Those eyes melt my heart.

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