Monday, October 24, 2016

too much stuff

Wow it has been a whirlwind of a few weeks.  Lots of thing happening in household but the most important is THE TWINS TURNED 7.  I am going to be honest, this is the first year that I didn't feel like the parents should have their own, personal celebration.  As I have commented over and over I am a firm believer that birthdays should be for the parents.  It's a celebration of all the hard work put into the past year.  Though the work is still extremely hard -- I will admit that it is getting SO. MUCH. BETTER.  Now that I have stated that little side note -- let's get started.

1. Archery Birthday Party
This year we decided to have a small group join the boys for archery in Noblesville.  They all had a blast.  We decided to do archery because it was something different and something that the boys love.  Cameron woke up in full blown sickness mode that morning but as you know...that doesn't stop him!  After the party the Abel kids stayed for our monthly slumber party and we actually ordered pizza!!  It was a great day and the best birthday in the books so far! (besides the incessant coughing & fever)

Cameron was shooting the new bow that the boys received for their birthday!

 2. No one is coughing in my ear
Right now as I type this short post.....there is NO ONE coughing in my ear.  Holy hell -- these boys (especially the twins) DO. NOT. STOP. COUGHING.  I get it -- I should be more empathetic (and I try).  Last night I even took both of the twins to the walk in clinic.  But the coughing....the coughing is non stop.  Like literally, non stop.  I have started giving them two breathing treatments at once -- so they stop coughing and BREATHE.

So -- that is that.  That should probably be #1, 2, 3, 4 AND 5.

Damn, this child is the BOMB.  And yes, he added a part to the breathing treatment.  So. Stinking. Cute.
Though Jack is MUCH better than last week (when we were at the ED) he is still trying to fully recover.
The twins at the walk in clinic all up in someone's personal space.  Clearly -- parenting at it's finest since I am sitting far away and taking a picture -- doing nothing.
 3.  The village
On Wednesday morning Jack went to the doctor that morning and was diagnosed with pneumonia.  I guess that as the day went on he progressively got worse.  When I got home that evening he was an absolute mess.  At first I thought he was just tired -- but eventually I figured out that he was lethargic from not breathing well and that he was going down hill quickly.  Over the phone Kara helped me to triage him and then Mandy came over to help give me some more guidance.  I eventually took him to the ED.  Though I was dragging my the same time, I didn't want to be missing something and have him get worse as the night progressed.  Once we fully checked into the ED a flip switched.  He pepped up and started breathing normally.  Basically my 1 year old played me to the tune of a few hundred dollars with an ED bill.  Awesome.

4.  I was not Cameron's bus driver today
I think that I should probably buy the bus driver some donuts, Starbucks or basically something fabulous.  This morning -- Cameron puked EVERYWHERE on the bus.  When Mike picked him up from school he was in a completely new outfit, including new shoes.  When Cameron tells the story it sounds absolutely miserable for the adult in charge.  SO SO SO grateful that I was not the adult in charge.  I really hate puke.

**For those of you keeping track (which I know it is HUNDREDS) he is the third child in three weeks to stay home from school/daycare because he was sick.  I started my job three weeks ago.  So basically it has been a BITCH of a three weeks for our house.**

5.  Box Cakes
I think that $1.25 box cakes along with the $1.25 frosting is soooooo worth the money.  People who spend a gazzillion dollars on store bought cakes need to get a grip.  I think that they are A.MAZ.ING.  I legit have an obsession.  I have actually made entire cakes just to take a few bites and then throw the rest away.  (Hello -- it is just too many calories and way over-indulgence to eat an entire cake by myself.)

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