Sunday, January 22, 2017


1. Riding Bikes
The boys were all able to pull out bikes yesterday evening.  Jack was on pure meltdown mode since he only had a 20 minute nap BUT he left his helmet on the entire time which is a win for mom.  Also, Owen took over when Jack started to melt.  It was pretty impressive and pretty wonderful.

2. Dinner time shenanigans
The silliest of the sillies was at dinner last night.  Cameron started imitating Mike which turned into a huge game for the boys.  Cameron could not stop laughing.  These moments are the best.  Grateful that we have lots of these moments.

3. Boys went to the movies
This afternoon Bruce, my dad, Mike, Cameron and Owen all headed to the movies.  The plan was for me to sleep when Jack sleeps.  This plan rarely works and will be adjusted for next week.  Currently, Jack is asleep, I just started some coffee and I am not looking forward to being up for 23 hours.

4. No gas leak
Yesterday Mike quickly realized that we had a gas leak.  He found it and made it stop.

It wasn't that simple...not even close.  BUT he did it and goodness I am super grateful.

5. "Min"
Since lots of this post involved Cameron I think that I should add that Jack has FINALLY been able to say his name.  He calls him, "min" but it is the sweetest, most heart warming thing ever.  When Cameron woke up this morning to join Jack and I on the couch Cameron's face lit up and beamed with pride when Jack said, "min!" while pointing and a huge smile on his face.

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