Saturday, January 14, 2017


1. The kids are enjoying the gym
All three boys are officially signed up for Lifetime.  It's pretty wonderful.  It will take some time before I bring Jack without his brothers (because he will lose his shit) but right now it has been working out great.  On the walk out Jack even threw kitty and Moo to the ground so he could pick up a sacred rock.  ...Those damn rocks....

2. Successful slumber party
Laurie's grandma was made hospice yesterday AND her sister was having her first baby in Bloomington so we quickly jumped at having Maggie and Henry stay at our house for the night.  This time around all of the kids did A.MAZ.ING.  Usually they are up all night being crazy.  Besides eating us out of the house and having to do a bazillion dishes -- it was a fun evening.

3. Planning Trips
We have a trip to Denver next month and then a trip to Kauai in March.  I am spending all of my extra moments doing research in order to make the trip super awesome.  I'm in heaven.

4. The hallway mirror
This morning while I was cleaning  up the kitchen I could hear Jack talking to himself and then he would crack up.  I promptly found him checking himself out in the mirror.  He would say "goodbye" and then run away laughing the entire time.  I must admit -- it was pretty funny.

5. Afternoon date
We both had Friday afternoon off (side note: Mike has most afternoons off) so we decided to hit up Bdubs and start spending our Christmas gift cards.  We ordered a TON of food.  Afterwards we went to REI to pick out a new bike rack and then proceeded to drool over a bike trainer.  I was even able to fall asleep for 20 minutes before the boys got home from school.  I love these afternoons with Mike.

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