Thursday, January 26, 2017

No pictures

1. I am not sick anymore
Yes...I was sick earlier this week.  Mike was ALSO sick.  Basically being sick is not fun.  I ended up leaving work on Monday night in order to come home and puke a bit.  I then proceeded to take 10mg of Melatonin and pass out.  By Wednesday I was completely back to normal.  Being completely back to normal is significantly better than being sick.  Happy.

2. I won a contest
When I told Mike about my big win he replied, "wow -- you never win anything."  It's the truth.  BUT this week I won pants from Lululemon.  The pants that I was obsessed with in a previous post --- I won another pair.

3. Crockpot meals
My mom has been making us frozen crockpot meals so life can be easier.  And it is.  And I am super grateful.

4.  Mike just came home and I got some kisses
Mike was literally home for 30 seconds unexpectedly and I was able to give him some kisses.  Wednesday and Thursdays have been a bit rough with my new schedule so a few moments when I actually get to see his sweet face in the middle of the day are absolutely wonderful.

5.  My grey sweatpants
I wear this pants probably 5 out of 7 days a week.  I don't really think that's an exaggeration.  When Mike first bought me these pants for Christmas he was hoping I would throw away a brown, ugly pair that I wore all the time. I don't think that he anticipated that I would just switch from one obsession to the next.

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