Tuesday, March 23, 2010


1. The boys are actually sleeping
As time grows on I am getting better at scheduled and night time sleep. Right now I am just hoping Owen grows out of sleeping on the couch and moves back to his crib. He hates his crib. He will sleep in his crib for about 4 hours and then he just will not be comfortable anymore. I can pick him up and put him in a boppy on the couch or in his swing and he is immeidately back to sleep. I took these pictures a few days ago. This is his preffered position to sleep. Oh---and the past two nights the boys have slept from 7:30/8pm until 5 am. Erin...it will happen.
2. The Fangs
Today is Rachel's birthday so yesterday afternoon the boys and I made a special trip over to the Fang house. I haven't been there in a long time and I rarely see Steph and the kids. I had a great time. They showered love all over Cameron and Owen and then I played Mario Cart on Wii with each of the kids. It was great and I am going to plan lots more trips in the future.

3. Walks
So this makes the list frequently. It rained all day yesterday so I was not able to take the boys on a walk. This picture is from when my mom took the boys this weekend and didn't use their car seats. She said that they loved it. I look forward to trying this out in the afternoon. It is supposed to be nice out today so hopefully they like it for me too...not just grandma.

4. Holli and Andy
Last week the boys had a play date with Gabe and I hung out at the Liechty house for the entire afternoon and evening. I was able to hang out, talk with adults, relax, and eat REALLY good food. Gabe is so sweet and so much fun to be around. Holli made an amazing dinner and I feel lucky to have such wonderful friends.

5. My birthday
So I made it another year. It is my birthday today. Justine is coming over and I am going to Bazbeauxs with my parents for dinner. Very excited.

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday sister! Love ya and call you later! Really, do babies sleep through the night? Ugh....
