Thursday, March 4, 2010

Long Winded

1. My editor
If you are reading this blog on any type of regular basis then you know that I never proofread or spell check before I publish the post. I have sometimes but since I know what I am trying to say then I never catch the errors. I am usually typing very early in the morning or with only one hand while I hold a baby in the other. It isn't until Greg reads the blog that he is shocked at my grammar and fixes things for me. Thank goodness I have him around!

2. The night is over
So every night between 1:30am -2:30am Owen wakes up. It seems that he is uncomfortable in bed. You can go put the pacifier back in his mouth but in a few short minutes he will be crying again. A couple of weeks ago this started so at that time I started bringing him to the living room so he wouldn't wake up Cameron. Last night I tried to let him cry so he would fall back asleep and train him to sleep in his crib the ENTIRE night. I would also like to point out that when he comes to the living room he immediately falls asleep. No more tears after I pick him up out of the crib. So anyways, I let him cry for a few minutes and I go check on him and low and behold, Cameron is awake. So I eventually take Cameron to the living room so I can continue to train Owen to sleep. Cameron is now wide awake in the living room, Owen is asleep in the bedroom and sleeps for about 2 hours. At about 4 am Owen wakes again. By this time I am over it. I am still feeling miserably sick and by this time I am more exhausted than before so I bring Owen out into the living room. I most likely ruined the training I did earlier in the night. But there are many more nights in the future. The wonderful thing, now is there is daylight. We did the morning bottles, and the boys are taking their morning naps next to me. I am golden on the daytime routine. I just have to learn the nights. (I would love some advice if anyone has ever experienced this!)

This is a picture from a morning nap last week.

3. RSV shots
Later this morning I am taking the boys to get their last RSV shot for the year. We get them done at the hospital and the boys do great. Our insurance pays for the entire shot. Without insurance the shot would be over a thousand dollars...EACH. My dad is coming with me today since I can not fit the stroller into the trunk of my car and Greg's car is getting the lift put on today. The boys will also get weighed. It is sort of strange how important gaining weight is. I wonder if it is because the boys were premies and we talked about weight all the time in the NICU or if all parents are as obsessed as us.

4. Bibs
Bibs really are a clothes saver in this house. The boys spit up quite a bit and those bibs are able to save us from doing major changings. You just take the bib off and still have a clean outfit. Before I delivered we got so many bibs as gifts. I was surprised and thought to myself that there was no way I would use so many bibs. I was so wrong. I have an entire drawer in the kitchen just for bibs. (Lots of spit up in this house!)

5. Maggie and Nick coming this weekend
Since I have been really sick this week I haven't been able to sleep well or catch up on my chores. Maggie and Nick could not be coming at a better time. I have to pick up an extra night at work in order to make a little extra money but since they are here I will be able to SLEEP. I feel like the week has been crawling by until they get here. I know that the boys will have so much fun being entertained by Aunt Maggie. Plus Greg is going to the Butler game with Nick and he is looking forward to that as well.


  1. So all everyone ever says is Cameron is so much bigger than Owen. I say no he is just taller and everyone thinks I am crazy. Once again I was right! Owen weighs 5oz more than Cameron. I have been correctly guessing weights since they were in the womb.

  2. Love from Colorado! Miss you and thinking of you!
