Monday, March 1, 2010


1. Owen didn't cry during his bath
So this is BIG news. Owen did not cry during his bath tonight. I didn't really even know what to do with myself. I rushed through the bath as normal and he still didn't cry. It was great. Nice present for a tired mom.

2. Health
It is important to me that I mention how happy I am that my family, my in-laws, my friends, and everyone that I know is basically healthy. No one is in the hospital, no one is currently passing away. I am happy that right now I only have to deal with death and dying at work.

3. My job
I have been reading a book on happiness and there is a chapter regarding happiness at work. I knew that I loved my job but these chapters confirmed that nursing is a great job for me. No matter how terrible things are, no matter how bored or how challenged at work, I still love my job. I had a hard night at work last night, but I still love my job.

4. Cameron laughing and smiling when I got up this afternoon
So this afternoon I woke up and went to visit with Cameron and he immediately started smiling and laughing. It was so fun. Over and over. He melts my heart. This picture was taken yesterday. How can you not just love him?

5. Salad Dressing
Lisa Goldenberg brought us salad dressing when she made us food a few months ago. Greg and I immediately fell in love. Well I have been looking for this dressing for a while now. I knew that it was sold at Target and Kroger. I could not find it. I started searching everywhere. I didn't remember the name but I knew that I would recognize it when I saw it. So I started buying the same "type" of dressing. It wasn't working. They were terrible. Little did I know it was in the refrigerated section. I found it!! I bought three bottles this afternoon and already ate salads tonight for dinner. Yum. So if you are interested it is Makoto Ginger Dressing.

1 comment:

  1. I think the dressing is so good because it reminds us of Benihana and the never ending SAKE!!
