Saturday, March 13, 2010


1. Being on call
I have 23 minutes to write this before it becomes Sunday. I picked up to work tonight....and then asked to be on-call. I went into work between 7pm-11pm and now I am home. Thank goodness. I just want to be home and be with babies. I think that Owen might be getting sick so I want to keep my eye on him. Plus I just love them so much.

2. Starbucks
So I gave in. I was having one of those days and I got into my car and drove straight to Starbucks. I got a venti white chocolate mocha. Venti--is that the large one? Well I got a large. Anyways, it was REALLY good and REALLY worth the $5. Seriously

3. Family
Enough said.

4. Coworkers
I really enjoy most of the people that I work with. Like 99% of the people. It makes work so much better when you are working with great people. Crazy patients, but great people.

5. Stand-Up Comedy
One of my patients had stand-up comedy on in his room this evening and it was making me laugh out loud. I love to listen to stuff and just laugh. One of my favorites is Dane Cook. That's it.

It is 11:47pm now and I am finished~off to long as I don't get called back in.

1 comment:

  1. Miss you and love you Sister! I am sick this weekend and was thinking about you -- hope you are feeling better. I will call you tomorrow evening when you are rested from working all weekend. CAN'T wait to be in town and see you and the boys soon!
