Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A few days ago

1. Crawler
It happened a few days ago. We put a cell phone in front of Owen, his eyes lit up, and he crawled over to it. He is not crawling around the room isn't that second nature to him...but he crawls. These pictures were taken last week. Good thing I have my outlet covers in. I guess I actually have to baby proof.

2. 7am
This morning we were up, had a bottle, breakfast, played, and went back down for a nap all before 7am. I got into my bed at 7:09 and immediately fell back to sleep. The boys are sleeping right now and they have been a sleep for almost 2 hours. I won't go into what kind of night we had....I am sure you can imagine.
3. A high of 77
Today the high is 77!!! It is beautiful outside. I have the windows open and our walk later will be great. This is perfect weather. It is supposed to get back into the 90s again this weekend.
4. Dinner
Tonight we are going over to my parents for dinner. They have come over here so much to help that it will be nice to actually be at their house. Plus I am looking forward to seeing the pictures from NYC.
5. Clean closets
During the boys nap I decided to clean and organize the hall closet. It didn't take long and it looks much better. Now I am off to clean the next one. Wow I am pretty boring to get excited about this stuff.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Flip Flops

1. The coast of somewhere beautiful...
So I have made the decision to put my obsession into reality and go on vacation. Every day I see vacation pictures on facebook and I have become obsessed with the idea of vacation. So I am going to pull my pennies together, work lots of extra hours, and pack my bags. I decided I should document this goal so it actually happens. And trust will. Enough of the pictures on facebook...I am going somewhere beautiful.

2. Fresh fruit
I rarely have this in my house because it is not only expensive but it goes bad quickly and I seem to throw it away. Well today I bought bananas for the boys to try and it was a nice treat for myself as well.
3. Chicken
Today I made chicken for the boys. Cameron liked it and he ate like normal which was nice. Owen ate a few bites and then tried to arch his way out of his highchair...which is impossible. Regardless, the bowel was empty when I was done...thanks to Cameron.
4. Flip flops
Slip them on and you are ready to go. Who doesn't like flip flops.
5. Going to work
Lately the nights have been sort of crazy. The boys are becoming light sleepers and one screaming child will wake the other one up. I hope they do well tonight for Justine...and I am sure that they will...but it is sort of nice not to have to get up all night. Instead I will just stay awake at work!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Baby Gap

1. Clean baseboards
So this afternoon I cleaned the walls, baseboards, doors, and fireplace in the TV room. MUCH needed. Happy it is done and it makes me feel better to be in a cleaner room.

2. Crawler
So Owen will be crawling any day now. I know I type this all the time...but there is a strong possibility that he will crawl over to me as I type. He is able to do a few crawls but then gets so excited he falls to his belly and continues that way. (That is new today.) It is incredible to watch him grow.

3. Amy Davis
Last night Amy was here to watch the boys. I haven't seen her in FOREVER so it was great to be able to sit for a few minutes and catch up. Thank you for your help!!

4. Cameron is asleep
Cameron took at 35 minute nap this afternoon and is now crashed out in his crib. He had about 3 oz of his bottle and his done for the night. During dinner he looked exhausted. Glad he was able to get to sleep.

5. Baby Gap
Boy oh boy do I wish that I had money to shop at Baby Gap. Love it! Yesterday we went there to find a new hat for Cameron's big head. Everything was super cute AND an extra 40% off! Anyways, I love Baby Gap.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Short and Sweet

I am so short on time but wanted to get in a post before the weekend. Here are some of my favorite things.

1. Sun bathing

2. Plain pasta

3. Homemade egg sandwiches

4. Belly laughs with the boys

5. Clean sheets


We have been up since 2 a full hour. I thought that I would get stuff done while Cameron is trying to fall back asleep. I think that it is finally working. I can't hear him talking in the other room anymore.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

8 months

1. June 22nd
So I forgot to mention this yesterday but the boys are 8 months. I old. It is crazy how life happens so fast. In middle school I was always, "bored." Goodness.

2. Dentist
So today I went to Ben's to get my teeth cleaned and asked about the boys. He said that I should be brushing their teeth every day. So this afternoon we made a trip to Target and bought some toothbrushes for the boys. Here are some pictures of the event. Erica was here and able to capture the short and sweet brushing.

3. Teeth
While I am on the subject...Owen only has half of his first tooth. Cameron on the other hand has two huge bottom teeth...but that's it.
4. Grilling
Tonight I decided to grill out, eat my dinner outside, and enjoy a glass of wine. It was nice to just sit and relax. Now I am full and headed to bed in a few short minutes.
5. Baby food
So thrilled I did not have to worry about this until now but I tried to make baby food tonight. Because the boys are 8 months I need to introduce meat into their diet. You should of seen me trying to do this during the evening. The boys started to have a MAJOR melt down and needless to say they hated the food. I stuck it in the fridge and I will try again tomorrow.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday...not Wednesday

1. The Greats
It was a short trip to Valpo. Short but great. It is always wonderful to sit and talk with my grandma and the food never disappoints. When I got home the first thing my mom asked was, "What did you have to eat?"

2. Steph and the Sun
Sunday was a great day. Steph and I laid out in the sun, gossiped, and people watched for hours at the pool. Those who worked with me Sunday night saw the terrible burn I had on my back but I must was worth it. I had so much fun.
3. Movies
So I rented movies this weekend. I love to watch movies. I am so crazy busy that I never get to watch movies anymore so it was sort of nice to sit and enjoy.
4. McDonald's Mocha Frappe
So yes I decided to get one of these again so I didn't fall asleep on the road. Yum. That is all I can say. Yum.
5. Sitting
So Owen has not started crawling yet but it sure feels like he is going to any day. He has been sitting on his own and I think that this picture is sweet. Cameron also sits up on his own just own just not as well. I will try to get a picture of him soon.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Matt & Jess

1. Catching Up
So this weekend I have been catching up on my sleep. On Friday I slept from 8am-4:30pm. read that correctly. I have been working, sleeping, and doing nothing. It is nice. I miss my boys who are in Chicago this weekend but it is nice to get solid sleep.

2. Peaceful Nights
So this week there was a night that Owen went to sleep without his night bottle. At 11:30 he was wide awake and ready to eat. He then woke up Cameron so the three of us were trying to figure out how to go back to sleep. As I sat and rocked Owen I thought about how he was HUGE in my arms. It made me think of the nights that I would feed them every three hours and spend time rocking Owen when Cameron was still in the NICU. He was a tiny six pound baby in my arms. I would get him back to sleep and then call the NICU to get my nightly report of Cameron's brady episodes. Wow...they were such tiny babies. They are still so sweet in my arms.

Here is a picture from that night. Owen is wide awake just staring at me. The boys LOVE to kick their cribs and get their little legs stuck. It is actually pretty funny. Especially when they have monsters on their feet. Usually both legs are sticking out.

3. Matt & Jessica
Matt and Jessica got engaged today!!! I am so excited for them. Now I just hope they have a destination I can go on vacation!!! But if not, that is fine too...I guess. Congratulations!

4. Sawyer
So even though I haven't seen the Harris family in awhile I get updates from Erin frequently. Sawyer is getting so big. It always shocks me how fast he is growing. He is really only a few months behind the boys...but I always think of him as a newborn. I look forward to seeing them soon. Happy Father's Day Jess!

5. My Dad
So tomorrow being Father's Day I want to do a quick shout out to my dad. It is obvious how much he has helped me the past year. I must share this quick story. Earlier this week my dad came by to switch cars and he came inside to say a quick hi to the boys. He got down on the floor with Owen, visited a little with Cameron, and then started to leave. Owen would not look away the whole time he was in the house. My dad started to leave and Owen began to cry. So he came back and Owen started smiling. So we thought...coincidence...nope, he did it again. My dad came back and played with Owen for a little longer. Eventually I needed to distract him so my dad could get out of the house. Yes....Owen loves his grandpa.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Fang Family

1. Help
So lately I have had tons of people helping me. It has been great! Now I wish I had money to go shopping or something fun while they are here. Here are two pictures of the Fang kids with the boys this morning. It was fun for me to spend time with them. And obviously to get out of the house for an hour.

2. The pool
So we made our second trip to the pool. This time Erica helped me get them ready and spent her afternoon with us in the water. We were not able to stay long...but it was longer than last time!! I have to get Cameron a new hat because his is now to small for his head. Wow his head is REALLY big.
3. Massage
So I have one gift certificate left for a 30 minute massage. In 45 minutes I will be there most likely falling asleep on the table. I think that the next time I get a massage I will be in Mexico. (No--I do not have a trip planned to Mexico...)
4. Brush therapy
I don't know if I have posted this yet. Cameron started brush therapy last week because he is so sensitive. He is also going to start working with an Occupational Therapist. This is sort of scary to me because I want him to be a normal, healthy kid in a few years but I know that it is good to work on these things now.
5. Hiccups
Yesterday morning both boys had hiccups at the same time. A little strange. They don't usually have hiccups anymore. They had hiccups all the time in my belly and in the NICU, even for a few months after, but not much anymore. So anyways, it was crazy that they both had them at the same time. Random...I know.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sleep Deprived

1. Sleep
Owen wanted to stay up this afternoon. He was determined...and he did. This picture was after he cried his eyes out for a LONG time. I decided to make him a bottle and I forgot to screw the lid on tight enough. So as I was giving it to spilled everywhere. He was so tired he had absolutely no reaction. I started cleaning it up and was laughing so hard at him being emotionless so I decided to take a picture. Yes...sleep deprived.

2. Big Boy
Today I could not get over how fat Owen looked. I had to take pictures of his cute, chubby little roles.

3. Bath time
The previous picture not only shows Owen's chub, it also shows our wonderful bath time. Bath time has changed. Both boys do great and it is relatively easy. Much different than a few months ago.
4. Cameron
Cameron is showing off his awesome Christmas pajamas from Charlie. He took a GREAT nap this afternoon and was able to get some good work in at therapy. He is so sweet. After therapy today when he was having a melt down he just held onto me so tight. Thanks for the clothes Sarah!! Oh--and his breathing is doing much better.
5. Finger Foods
So we are continually trying to eat little finger foods. The boys are doing well and learning every, single day. Here are three pictures of them eating and making a mess. Also, the first picture shows Owen trying really hard to keep his eyes open and stay up for the party. I must say...he didn't have a melt down this evening. I was impressed.

Monday, June 14, 2010


1. Grandpa
My dad has stepped up and taken care of me and the boys this year. We are forever grateful.

2. Cameron's Teeth
So Cameron's two front teeth are so stinking cute. One day last week Owen was still asleep and Cameron and I were playing and laughing in the living room. Here are two of the pictures and one captured his teeth!!

3. Naps
So I was pretty tired this evening and tried to go to bed early...which I did. The bad thing turned into a nap. I love naps so it must make the list AND I feel rested right now so that is great. Too bad it is 915 pm and I will never fall back asleep.
4. Martinis
So I guess I was a little more tired than I thought because I have been zoning out trying to think of #4. Once this came to my mind...I knew it should make the list. I haven't had a martini in awhile but YUM.
5. Trash
So today was supposed to be the day to start eating healthy. It is actually going to be tomorrow since I just pulled out Bagel Bites from the oven.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


1. 12 month sleepers
So the boys have grown out of their 9 month sleepers and into 12 months. It was actually a frustrating week scurrying around trying to find cheap sleepers on sale. I want them to have feet and those are HARD to find in the summer. Sarah ended up giving me some of hers and Ashley found two at Children's Palace so I think that I am set for a little bit. At the end of the week I realized why they are growing so fast. They eat a TON. This picture is one of the empty containers after ONE meal. The next is Cameron showing off one of his new sleepers.

2. Ashley's Wedding
This was the most beautiful wedding that I have ever been to. The ceremony was magical, the bride was stunning, the reception was a blast. I had so much fun...even as fell through the wall of the photo booth. Yes...I feel through a curtain. Anyways, it was great.
3. Toys
I just really like this picture of them playing together. This is one of the toys that Tanya is letting us borrow. The boys love it and they play with it everyday. As they get bigger the are starting to realize how to make it play music. At this age you just see them grow everyday.
4. Clean Toilets
I finally cleaned my bathrooms this weekend. This is really, really exciting. Don't look to close to the walls to see all the spiderwebs but the toilets....CLEAN. Thank goodness. Much needed.

5. I came from the kitchen one day last week and the boys had positioned themselves like this. I just think that it is cute. Two seconds after these pictures Owen was somewhere else.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So with my crazy busy day yesterday I started this post but never finished. So quickly this I go.

1. The swing
It makes the list again. Cameron has been flipping out when I try to put him down for naps in his crib...but he loves his swing. His feet hang over the side and he is so big the swing doesn't go as high but he still is able to fall asleep for hours. It will be a sad day when the swing goes into the attic. I looked up the weight limit though and we still have a ways to go. Thank goodness.

2. Twins
Here are some funny pictures of the boys. It looks like Owen is punching Cameron in the face. They do frequently poke each other in the eye or climb on top of the other but usually they like to interact. Yesterday they were looking at each other laughing. Twins bring their own sets of challenges too. For example, keeping them on the same schedule, someone always being awake and needing help, or crying during nap and waking the other baby up. Once Cameron starts to explore I am sure we might need to change this blog to "The Crazy Life."

3. Getting Stuck
Owen has been rolling and moving all around these days. I found him directly under the coffee table crying and he is frequently stuck under the couch. I think that he loves the camera though because even though he is stuck he stops what he is doing and gives a big smile.

4. Friends
Yesterday was filled with visits with Friends. I saw the entire Minges family including sweet, little baby Rosalie, Catherine came over to hang out and help with the boys, then Ashley came and we worked on placecards, and finally my Pam, Erica, and Emma all came and brought over diapers and food. It was a busy day but so much fun. This week is FLYING by.
5. Extra help
I have had so many people step up and help lately it has been wonderful. It makes me nervous that I won't be able to help all of these people in return when they need me because there are so many people that have been here to help support me and the boys. Thank you so much.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Thanks to my wonderful parents and help from the Gosser family I was able to get some much need mulch down. It happened quickly because I was trying to beat the rain. Now I just need to get some bushes or plants. I need a lot more for the house before I get new plants though so the bed of mulch will have to do.

2. First tooth
I think that Owen is getting his first tooth. I am not 100% sure because he won't let me look into his mouth but it feels like one might be coming.

3. Rocking
He might crawl by the end of the week. Last night Owen started getting onto his knees and rocking. He has been doing it all day today and i just feel like it could be anytime now before he gets moving.

4. Size 3
We are now officially into size 3 diapers. These boys are so freakin' big.

5. Vacation
Ha. No...I am not going on vacation. But I am thinking about it in my head and it makes me excited that one day I will go on vacation. A little sad I guess when I write it out...but I come. Some day. Yep...the thought of vacation still makes me pretty happy.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The great life we live

1. Crazy
Owen was just hanging out like this the other day. The blood was starting to rush to his head. He is so funny and is moving all over the place.

2. Cindy's Birthday
So here is a picture of John and Sophie holding Owen. I thought that it was sweet how he was just holding John's finger. He is exhausted because it was the latest that he had been up in awhile. Cameron was asleep but Owen could not miss the party. And it was a fun one so he knew what he was doing.

3. Tonight
So this is what is going on right now. What a great life we live. The boys are interacting more and more every day.

4. Birthday cake
So there is no real system to the list tonight. Back to the birthday pictures.... So these are the two candles that got put into the cake upside down. It was pretty funny. My mom, Ted, Wendy, Pam, and I were all doing the cake. It was such a great night to sit and talk with Julie, have some wine, and be with other adults.

This is when someone grabbed the cake to take it can see the candles that didn't make it still on the counter. You have to be grateful for the little things. Ha.
5. Grocery Shopping
I could barely keep my eyes open but my mom and I went grocery shopping this morning. I got lots of good stuff to fill my fridge. I also bought some finger food for the boys. Owen know what to do...sort of. Cameron on the other hand is clueless. It will be fun to see how this goes.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


1. Grapes
Today my parents brought me over some really good grapes. These are the best because you can just put a bowl in the fridge and get a handful out while you are walking by. Not such a commitment like an apple or orange or something.

2. Cookout
When Cameron wakes up from his nap we are going to my parents to celebrate Cindy Lukach's birthday. Good food, friends, family...and people to entertain the babies. What could be better?

3. Super Nintendo Controllers
There is not much more to say then that. I think that I might have a fondness for them for the rest of the summer.

4. New Nap Time???
So I was able to put the boys down for an afternoon nap. They slept for 2 hours. Hopefully I can get them on a schedule so they are not asleep by 6pm every night. Owen just woke up and I can hear Cameron stirring in his crib. We will have to try this again tomorrow.

5. Owen's not crawling
So Owen rolls and pivots and moves so quickly and so much you would think he was crawling. You turn your head and he is in a completely new spot in the room. I don't want him to start yet because I don't have gates. Just give me another couple weeks!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


1. Payday
So thank goodness it is payday. The way Cameron poops every time he eats we go through about 100 diapers a week. I am stocked on diapers right now but man...he poops a LOT.

2. New sizes
This one has made the list before. The boys are starting to grow out of their clothes and so I started pulling stuff that they have out grown and getting out new. It is fun and frustrating at the same time. These boys are HUGE. Here is a picture of them watching Baby Einstein while I make their bottles...they are always eating!!

3. Owen reaching for me
So this is a pretty normal thing but I love it. Little Owen puts his hand in the air and reaches for me when he wants to get out of his chair or up from his crib. He seems so independent (I know he is just a baby) so when he reaches for me it makes me smile.

4. The Help
So I sent out emails to my address book to see if I could get help on Friday and Sunday evenings while I am at work. All the weekends are now full. I am thrilled. Makes life so much easier. Thank you everyone for your help! This is a picture from yesterday when I was doing the email. Owen scooted over to me and just checked everything out.

5. Sleeping
I think that we have started to turn a corner with the sleeping. The boys can go down around 6pm and sleep until about 5:30am and then go back to sleep for another hour or so after their bottle. Last night I actually stayed up and got stuff done before I went to bed. Wow how quickly things change.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


1. Pink Eye
So yesterday I didn't go on my walk. I ended up calling the doctor's office after I wrote the blog and took Owen in that afternoon. He has pink eye!! It looks pretty nasty but he is in a great mood so I guess it doesn't bother him too much. We do drops three times a day and he has taken them like a champ so far!

2. ENT
This morning Cameron had his appointment with the ENT. For the past few days I thought about canceling it but we ended up going. His breathing is doing so much better. I actually felt sort of silly in the office. The doctor was great and I am glad that we went. We have no follow up appointments...only on an as needed basis.

3. Big Boys
Since both boys went to the doctor they were both weighed. Granted they had clothes on and Owen had a full diaper...but still. Owen weighed 18lbs!!!! I was in shock. I feel like we eat all the time...but 18lbs. Soon they are going to be too big for their car seats. Cameron weighs 17lbs. Insane. Completely insane.

4. Kristina
Yesterday I was at the pharmacy in the hospital picking up Owen's new eye drops and I ran into Kristina, the NP who took care of us on the NICU. For weeks I would look forward to seeing her everyday and getting updates. She took such good care of the boys and I am so so happy that she was such a part of our lives.

5. Not in the hospital
The post has been filled with stuff about doctors. As I pulled up to St. Vincent's Children's Hospital today I was so thankful that I had a quick outpatient appointment. I wasn't visiting my children or admitting them. We didn't have any major scans or tests. I know that I don't know what the future health will be for these two little ones but I am so, so thankful that I am back in my living room and they are taking naps in their own cribs.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


1. Cribs
This has been on my TO DO list for awhile. Today my dad moved the crib mattress down. It's a little harder to get the boys out of the bed but with crazy Owen it is a necessity. I feel like I could of found him out of his crib one day...but not anymore.

2. Normal afternoon
Today I am taking a walk and hopefully having a pretty normal afternoon. I like routine so I am pretty excited about the whole thing.

3. Singing to stop crying
So even though I get sick of singing the same songs over and over, I am thrilled that Cameron has found something that he singing. I am able to make him stop crying almost 100% of the time with a few songs.

4. Sippy Cups
I bought the boys their very first sippy cups yesterday. I don't know when I am going to pull them out but hopefully soon. They have handles so they might be doing daytime bottles themselves.

5. Cameron rolling over
I don't know anymore what I am writing about...and what get missed. Cameron is rolling over now like second nature. Sorry if it is a repeat.

Here are some more great pictures from Mother's Day