Sunday, June 13, 2010


1. 12 month sleepers
So the boys have grown out of their 9 month sleepers and into 12 months. It was actually a frustrating week scurrying around trying to find cheap sleepers on sale. I want them to have feet and those are HARD to find in the summer. Sarah ended up giving me some of hers and Ashley found two at Children's Palace so I think that I am set for a little bit. At the end of the week I realized why they are growing so fast. They eat a TON. This picture is one of the empty containers after ONE meal. The next is Cameron showing off one of his new sleepers.

2. Ashley's Wedding
This was the most beautiful wedding that I have ever been to. The ceremony was magical, the bride was stunning, the reception was a blast. I had so much fun...even as fell through the wall of the photo booth. Yes...I feel through a curtain. Anyways, it was great.
3. Toys
I just really like this picture of them playing together. This is one of the toys that Tanya is letting us borrow. The boys love it and they play with it everyday. As they get bigger the are starting to realize how to make it play music. At this age you just see them grow everyday.
4. Clean Toilets
I finally cleaned my bathrooms this weekend. This is really, really exciting. Don't look to close to the walls to see all the spiderwebs but the toilets....CLEAN. Thank goodness. Much needed.

5. I came from the kitchen one day last week and the boys had positioned themselves like this. I just think that it is cute. Two seconds after these pictures Owen was somewhere else.

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