Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sleep Deprived

1. Sleep
Owen wanted to stay up this afternoon. He was determined...and he did. This picture was after he cried his eyes out for a LONG time. I decided to make him a bottle and I forgot to screw the lid on tight enough. So as I was giving it to him...it spilled everywhere. He was so tired he had absolutely no reaction. I started cleaning it up and was laughing so hard at him being emotionless so I decided to take a picture. Yes...sleep deprived.

2. Big Boy
Today I could not get over how fat Owen looked. I had to take pictures of his cute, chubby little roles.

3. Bath time
The previous picture not only shows Owen's chub, it also shows our wonderful bath time. Bath time has changed. Both boys do great and it is relatively easy. Much different than a few months ago.
4. Cameron
Cameron is showing off his awesome Christmas pajamas from Charlie. He took a GREAT nap this afternoon and was able to get some good work in at therapy. He is so sweet. After therapy today when he was having a melt down he just held onto me so tight. Thanks for the clothes Sarah!! Oh--and his breathing is doing much better.
5. Finger Foods
So we are continually trying to eat little finger foods. The boys are doing well and learning every, single day. Here are three pictures of them eating and making a mess. Also, the first picture shows Owen trying really hard to keep his eyes open and stay up for the party. I must say...he didn't have a melt down this evening. I was impressed.

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