Thursday, June 3, 2010


1. Payday
So thank goodness it is payday. The way Cameron poops every time he eats we go through about 100 diapers a week. I am stocked on diapers right now but man...he poops a LOT.

2. New sizes
This one has made the list before. The boys are starting to grow out of their clothes and so I started pulling stuff that they have out grown and getting out new. It is fun and frustrating at the same time. These boys are HUGE. Here is a picture of them watching Baby Einstein while I make their bottles...they are always eating!!

3. Owen reaching for me
So this is a pretty normal thing but I love it. Little Owen puts his hand in the air and reaches for me when he wants to get out of his chair or up from his crib. He seems so independent (I know he is just a baby) so when he reaches for me it makes me smile.

4. The Help
So I sent out emails to my address book to see if I could get help on Friday and Sunday evenings while I am at work. All the weekends are now full. I am thrilled. Makes life so much easier. Thank you everyone for your help! This is a picture from yesterday when I was doing the email. Owen scooted over to me and just checked everything out.

5. Sleeping
I think that we have started to turn a corner with the sleeping. The boys can go down around 6pm and sleep until about 5:30am and then go back to sleep for another hour or so after their bottle. Last night I actually stayed up and got stuff done before I went to bed. Wow how quickly things change.

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