Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So with my crazy busy day yesterday I started this post but never finished. So quickly this I go.

1. The swing
It makes the list again. Cameron has been flipping out when I try to put him down for naps in his crib...but he loves his swing. His feet hang over the side and he is so big the swing doesn't go as high but he still is able to fall asleep for hours. It will be a sad day when the swing goes into the attic. I looked up the weight limit though and we still have a ways to go. Thank goodness.

2. Twins
Here are some funny pictures of the boys. It looks like Owen is punching Cameron in the face. They do frequently poke each other in the eye or climb on top of the other but usually they like to interact. Yesterday they were looking at each other laughing. Twins bring their own sets of challenges too. For example, keeping them on the same schedule, someone always being awake and needing help, or crying during nap and waking the other baby up. Once Cameron starts to explore I am sure we might need to change this blog to "The Crazy Life."

3. Getting Stuck
Owen has been rolling and moving all around these days. I found him directly under the coffee table crying and he is frequently stuck under the couch. I think that he loves the camera though because even though he is stuck he stops what he is doing and gives a big smile.

4. Friends
Yesterday was filled with visits with Friends. I saw the entire Minges family including sweet, little baby Rosalie, Catherine came over to hang out and help with the boys, then Ashley came and we worked on placecards, and finally my Pam, Erica, and Emma all came and brought over diapers and food. It was a busy day but so much fun. This week is FLYING by.
5. Extra help
I have had so many people step up and help lately it has been wonderful. It makes me nervous that I won't be able to help all of these people in return when they need me because there are so many people that have been here to help support me and the boys. Thank you so much.

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