Friday, September 19, 2014

Beat of Your Heart

It's Friday.  I never imagined that I would become the person that dreads Monday and looks forward to Friday…but I must say, even only working three days a week, I am really happy it is Friday.  

Cameron on the other hand has been in a funk this week.  I think that he is just exhausted.  He gets sleep every night and the boys have been doing great but maybe he needs more.  He finally napped at school today.  No worries though, he is being super loving, cuddly, and funny as always…just also in a bit of a funk.

1. The ABCs
Owen is pretty competitive but in knowing his alphabet by sight Cameron has him beat…by a lot.  I think that Cameron has almost all of his letters down Owen on the other hand is struggling a bit.  I am sure that this is normal but it's hard to wonder what is more normal.  Sometimes I think that Owen has dyslexia or something of the sort…something that I need to talk with Kara about.  We worked on letters tonight but this dude is so not interested.  Cameron on the other hand doing great.

2. …And me mom…
As I was typing up #1 it reminded me of something that Cameron says that always makes me smile.  If I tell Owen that he is doing a good job or that he is being good -- Cameron always says, "And me too." And won't really let it go unless I agree.  Many times Cameron is actually not being good and it reminds me to tell Owen "thank you for behaving" and then Cameron chimes in with "and me too," but clearly he's not.  WHICH at that time if I argue with him it just makes him more upset and more miserable.  I don't know if this story will make sense to me in 20 years….

3. Beat of Your Heart by Cory Morrow
As I have written in the a recent post, the car is always a hard place for me.  If I have good music or a good podcast to listen to it makes the time much easier to manage.  I randomly have a cd with this song on it in my player.  CD #5, song 7.  Anyways, it instantly brings me back to dance parties in my kitchen.  It makes me happy to listen to.  Though those are old memories, but they were wonderful ones.  I actually get a smile on my face.

4.  The nursery is painted
Did I do this one already?  It was painted this week.  Still needs a few touch ups this weekend but overall pretty happy with the outcome.  Now I just need to start collecting the stuff that Jack Jack will actually need.

5. Nighttime routines
I am a person of routine.  I THRIVE on routine (though usually it has so be something that I enjoy) but I just am a person of routine.  Don't get me wrong ~ I love my adventures, my travels, and vacations, and the everyday joy in life BUT I just think that I get more accomplished and reach my dreams when I have a routine.  Not only that but I believe that children are more successful and happy with routine.  Of course they love the random trips to chuckie cheese and being spoiled by the grandparents but overall routine is best.

On to the point…our normal bedtime routine is that Mike does the teeth and pajamas and then I read the boys 2-3 stories, tuck them in, and usually do some type of song.  It's pretty routine and it is pretty wonderful.

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