The other day we were at the store and the entire way there Cameron whined about wanting to go to a toy store instead. When you are unable to get away from his whining or fix is whining it is terrible. So after taking a "point" (which made him cry and whine louder) I was over the entire thing. When I got to the store to pick up a few small items I was that mom who let my children pick out the most terrible cereal in the world. AND, as you can see from the picture, they got two boxes. I know that this isn't the best way to reward terrible behavior. But sometimes, at least THAT time, I didn't have the energy to work it out with him anymore. This cereal didn't even have a picture of it on the box. It was completely marketed for children. That same trip I purchased a case of beer, 2 packages of mango-ritas and a handle of vodka. hahaha….too bad I can't enjoy any of it. Oh, and I also went through the 10 item of less aisle.
2. Some Random pictures…because who doesn't love the iPhone.
It will be interesting to see how life and technology begins to evolve. But here are some random picks from our week. Just grateful to have another week to be alive.
**I went to Ashley's to help with stuffing packets for the Mud Run. But of course I had to take some breaks to cuddle with sweet Josie.**
Chemo Tuesday. I had another Tuesday off so I was able to join these ladies at Maggianos. Yum.
3. Holy the grocery bill
I am grateful that we have money to pay our grocery bill. I am trying to figure out ways to do things a bit cheaper and make our food last longer while still giving into the treats of life. (Hence the cereal above --THOUGH that was CHEAP which helped get it into my cart) And the cereal below. The boys love picking out their own box. This particular morning they each had two boxes of cereal and we practiced all of our letters on the boxes and then I pulled out flash cards. I can't even imagine when they turn into teenagers!
4. Date day…and night.
Last Saturday my parents took all the grandkids to Monkey Joe's for the morning. It was great. Mike and I went to Cafe Patachoo and then I came home and read my book. Then that night we took them to Parent's Night Out at the gym. They loved it -- and so did we. We dropped them off and went a tooled around for a bit and then had dinner at Divvy. I was so full that I couldn't even sit comfortably anymore and had to leave early. It was nice to spend time with this wonderful man. The picture is not from our day out but it is from a winery in Tuscany. Isn't that an awesome wall.
5. Ultrasound
I have to leave right now to make it to our next ultrasound. Excited to see this little one again. I am 20 weeks. HALF WAY DONE!!!
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