Tuesday, September 16, 2014


1. Making food
The past few days I am actually back into the grove of making food.  It is unbelievable how much food that we legit go though.  All three boys seem like they can eat forever.  In this picture below Owen was helping me make pop tarts and though Cameron didn't have much of an interest in helping he decided to bring his markers and paper up just so he could be next to us.

 2. Cleaning up
For the most part the boys are pretty good at cleaning up.  Yesterday we were playing some games and the last game they got down I decided not to play.  Mike was making dinner and I was folding laundry in the bedroom.  I asked the boys to clean up the game and without hesitation or complaint (yes, that is a bit unusual) they put the entire game away.  The next time I came out of the bedroom the game was in its box, sitting next to my door.  They didn't even tell me it was finished…they just left it and moved on.  It made me smile.

3. My parents
My dad picks up the boys three days a week from school.  Today was one of those days.  He usually takes them to our house but today Owen wanted to go there (to play with play dough) and so they went there for a few hours.  So so so grateful for this set up.  It makes it extremely easy for us and the boys love being with their grandparents.

4. The power of the mind
Though recently I have not done any meditation or yoga or calming exercises….I still give myself frequent pep talks.  I am a STRONG believer in the power of the mind and how we have control over the mind.  Came across this quote yesterday.  I am just grateful that though I might be in a fog, weak, uncomfortable, unsure, insecure, and just completely at a loss….I have the ability (as we all do) to recover.

5. "Raise your hand"
Somehow this became a frequent event for us.  One of the boys will usually start with, "Raise your hand if you like spiderman (or some type of superhero)."  Then they will wait for the entire car or table to respond.  Usually this happens at a meal or on a car ride at least a few times a week.  It usually goes on for awhile.  They usually list every super hero, colors, or whatever it might be.  Owen usually throws in, "raise your hand if you love Aunt Erin."  And if someone doesn't raise their hand on a certain topic…it is noticed and usually discussed.

Yeah--so take that cable TV and iPhone games….we have the "raise your hand" entertainment.

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