Saturday, November 8, 2014

Eloise Birthday

1. Eloise's birthday party
Today we celebrated Eloise's third birthday at the Children's Museum.  We haven't been there in awhile and we ended up staying for 5 hours!  It was exhausting but wonderful.  The boys had a great time and now they are sleeping like rocks.  

2. Family Time
We make sure to sit down with the kids and play games.  Tonight we introduced a new game which I believe is called Pass the Pigs.  Basically you roll two pigs and whatever way they land you receive points.  Pretty simple and easy and they boys loved it.  Somehow during the middle of the game they ended up pulling stickers off each other and sticking them on their faces.  I snapped a quick picture…but you can also see the little pigs on the table.

3. Cleaning & Organizing
Tonight I was able to organize Jack's room a bit and try and organize some of the house.  We are getting pretty tight in this space so I want to make sure that we don't have a lot of STUFF.  Tonight I made a few more small strides and it makes me happy.

4. Cups with straws
I love drinking juice and water out of my cups with a straw.  I drink a TON more fluids this way.  I always have one of these by my side.

5. Hearts of gold
The boys are really sensitive and respectful of other peoples feelings (most of the time).  When others around them get upset they always check to make sure that they are ok.  If they hear concern in our voices they notice and ask.  So for example today at the museum Maggie got upset and Josh took her out of the room for bit.  When she came back she was with Laurie and Cameron went up to her and in a sweet voice said, "Are you ok Maggie."  It was just simple and sweet and made me proud.

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