Thursday, November 13, 2014

It's been a week.

There are a LOT of pictures in this post.  As always it was a busy week, both good and bad.  Many times this week I wanted to get onto the blog and just bitch.  Clearly I didn't because that would totally go against my end goal…but it was that type of week.  Although there were times that took lots of energy from my bones, there were also the everyday happenings that keeps my soul alive.  For that, I am grateful.

1. Eric Carle
Cameron has a man crush on Eric Carle.  He is a writer and illustrator for children's books.  If you ask Cameron he knows all about him.  This week at school he did a tissue paper spiderman just to imitate Eric Carle.  Mrs. Gies was so impressed she showed it to the other teachers and it is now up on the wall.  I must say, I am pretty impressed myself.

2.  Sunday Fun-day
This Sunday I made spaghetti squash.  I tried it a new way.  And I must say…I am not interested in eating anything healthy right now.  I clearly TRY but I would much rather have the real carbs.  It is a terrible thing and you will see in the full body pictures below it is not doing me well….but it's the truth. And though I can't handle the squash, I am LOVING my carbs.

We also let the boys spend their birthday money.  They each bought Legos.  Most of their money is being saved but they were also able to splurge a bit.  Owen was able to sit and do most of it himself.  Cameron on the other hand was being lazy and Mike pretty much did the entire thing.  Regardless, we all enjoyed the day.

3. Wonderful things
So today I decided to take pictures of some of the wonderful things that I am indulging in since clearly salads and squash are not cutting it.  (Unless the salad has lots of cheese, bacon, and ranch dressing…then it is just fine!)  These are two insanely, special occasion indulgences.  And they are heavenly and wonderful.  Oh, and the special occasion…..I am pregnant and can't drink wine or work out…..  

I had this gelato at Erin's after Eloise was born.  I have not had it since.  I recently found a coupon and decided to treat the house.  And when I say house, I mean that I had a few bites this afternoon and I will be surprised if it lasts until tomorrow evening.  Mike will finish it off.

4. Dentists, shots, and it's finally over….
The boys were beasts at their check up but having to get ANOTHER shot this week sent all three of us over the edge.  They were an absolute mess.  They still survived and I caved and bought stupid toys from Kroger.  This evening they had Dentist appointments.  They LOVE going to the dentist so it makes it a super easy trip.  The boys did great (besides all the farting….)

Anyways, glad all of the torture is over for now.

5. Story time
I think that this was my favorite part of the week.  Today I went to their school and read to their classrooms.  They were soooooooo excited to see me.  Cameron even broke down a bit and teared up when we had to leave.  They had huge smiles from ear to ear and were excited to show off their rooms.  We were there for less than 30 minutes total but it really brought happiness to my day.  I feel so so so grateful that I am able to do this with them.

6.  Mike
He got us through another week.  Grateful for his hard work and love for our family.  He does almost all of the work in our house, insists that I get rest, and the boys are obsessed with his silliness.  Together we have truly filled our home with joy.  We are lucky.

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