Monday, March 30, 2015

Jack & Ezra

1. Food 
This weekend I was trying to think of something that Mike and I could do that we both love and not spend a ton of money.  The weather was hovering in the 30s all weekend so it was too cold for me to enjoy the great outdoors PLUS we had the little one in tow.  We decided to make new recipes all day on Sunday.  We started with specially made margaritas with a TONs of fruit.  We started with tequila, triple sec and corona.  Then we added juice from 4 limes, a box of strawberries and a bit of sugar.  They were amazing. 

After the drinks we made sweet potatoes with goat cheese, cilantro and chickpeas.  After out of the oven for the final time we added some lemon juice.  They were amazing.  A bit later we made salmon packets with asparagus and lemon.  I took a short nap and then over a game of Monopoly we had brie with candid pecans and apples to dip.  It was a great change to our normal brie.  

2. Shelby and Cameron's House
On Saturday night we went to the Fox house for a few hours for dinner and to catch up on life with little ones.  We essentially talked baby stuff all night comparing the babies.  This might seem boring to most but I enjoyed it.  Mike could see me hitting a wall and once we left I went straight to bed.  Oh how times have changes.

I love Ezra's face in this picture.  He never started crying.  Cracks me up.

3. Tire Pressure
Last week I had an alert in my car that my passenger side, front tire pressure was low.  It even showed me the number of that tire and all other tires.  I collected some quarters and made my way to the air station at the gas station.  I am grateful for this technology.  If not for the computers in my mini-van, I would still be driving on a low tire which I imagine would not be safe.  

4. Coffee Pot
Last week I purchased a coffee pot.  Mike set it up this weekend and we are using Starbucks that Sabryna gave us.  I love that I can fill my cup up as much or as little as I want.  Yum.  Coffee makes me happy.

Yes, that means we have two coffee makers.  Obsessed.

5. Beautiful Weather
The sun is shinning this morning and it is supposed to be beautiful this week.  I hope to get lots of walks in and maybe get some yard work done.  

Saturday, March 28, 2015


1. Smiles
Jack is starting to smile.  The weeks of all the mundane, newborn work starts to ease up a bit and at the same time their personality starts to come through.  It makes for a pretty good few weeks.  

2. Successful trips
Jack is a champ in his carseat so taking him up to Exit 201 to drop off the twins isn't too difficult.  Don't get me wrong the preparing for the trip and timing of feedings, pumps, and school pick up is a little rough to manage but overall we are in a routine.  Yesterday we were struggling with the feedings so we ended up doing a few ounces in the McDonald's parking lot before we got back on the road. Regardless, still successful.

3. Planet Fitness
On Thursday I went to the mall with my mom to try and find some jeans while I am in this transition phase of my body.  I am trying really hard to embrace the baby weight.  It has been hard.  I had a few tears in the Gap dressing room and then we decided it was time for a glass of wine during lunch.  I joined Planet Fitness that afternoon.

To be clear, I don't love Planet Fitness and I will only be able to be a member there for a few months.  BUT for $10 a month and the 3 minute drive from my house I am going to deal.  I was extremely spoiled with my years at Lifetime.  Right now I just need to get into the gym and burn off some of this weight!

4. Three goals before 1pm
This morning I have accomplished my three main goals of every single day.  I got extra sleep, I worked out AND I took a shower.

On top of that success my house is picked up and I am doing the blog right now.  Holy hell I need new goals.

5. The week is over
It has been a rough week with Cameron.  He has been extremely whiny with lots of pouting.  This means lots of discipline which is fine but translates to a difficult few days.

Here is a normal interaction.

Me: "Please stop pouting."
C: "I'm not pouting"  -- as he continues to pout.

It is actually hard to work around because then if I allowed it we would just be going back and forth.

He is at Greg's for spring break and it has been pretty quiet around here.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Birthday Party

1. My Birthday
I am grateful to have made it another year.  The day itself was pretty uneventful, which is how I like my birthdays.  Mike was gone for an interview (keep your fingers crossed) and after school I went to ballet with Eloise. I went to lunch with Tanya and Shelby and when Mike got back later that evening I picked up Panera (because I STILL have a generous gift card) and we were in bed pretty early.  Yesterday we went out to lunch and now he is back on the road.  It was a great day and feel very loved.

2. Games
Yesterday I decided to go through the games so while Mike was home I pulled them all out so I could make sure not to throw anything important into the Goodwill pile.  I am notorious for throwing important things away on accident in order to get rid of clutter.  I have learned to ask.  

Once the boys got home Owen put together almost every kid puzzle that we own.  Our room was filled with puzzles.  I intended on taking a picture but I have only taken one picture since my last post....

3. My health
My sweet neighbors are going though a tough time.  I have been bringing them food and Mike has been doing their lawn & snow.  This morning I saw their son and things are continuing to take a turn for the worse.  Made me stop and be grateful for my health and the health of my family.

4. Ballet is changing
This past Monday was the last day of "mommy and me" ballet for Eloise. For the next session she is enrolled in a class that we sit in the hallway.  I am not going to lie -- I am pretty excited.  That damn room filled with mirrors is not good on the self esteem of an exhausted Mom who is needing to lose LOTS of baby weight.

5. Airline Tickets
Last year since we had to cancel Lake Tahoe we still have the tickets that need to be switched to another trip.  I want to go to Cabo but we will probably look into going somewhere a bit easier since we will be taking Jack with us.  Now time to plan!!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sunday Night

1. The weekend
I am becoming a weekend loving girl.  When I started full time at the Cancer Center I realized why everyone was so gaga over the weekends.  As life continues...I am THAT person.  This weekend, our days have been full to the absolute brim.  Mike and I love being active and staying busy (don't get me wrong...we love sitting, eating brie and apples, and watching movies) ..... anyways, this weekend was FULL.  

2. The Fire station
This afternoon I took all three boys to a birthday party at a fire station downtown.  I must say, it was pretty awesome.  I have never been inside a fire station.  Not only that but the two firemen showing us around were very good looking.  AND one even offered to help me to my car.  What???!!!  A hot fireman asked if I needed help getting my kids in the car.  As I type this out a realize maybe I looked overwhelmed with the little one and two crazies in tow.  Regardless the boys had a great time and I loved this birthday party.

3. The backyard
A few years ago....yes you read that correctly...YEARS ago...I started to cut down a dead tree.  I personally didn't cut it down but someone from Craig's list came to cut it down.  Half way.  So it has been a huge eye sore ever since.  Until this weekend!!!  This weekend we started on the back yard and officially took almost the entire tree down.  As Mike was taking it all down we started burning most of it.  Our current wood pile is huge and this is much more efficient than bagging for the trash. We had a fire for the entire day yesterday and today.  Lots and lots of work.  And when you have fires all day, you have s'mores at 11am.  It is pretty wonderful.

4. Smiles
Jack started to smile at me today.  It makes your heart melt.

5. The grill
This weekend we have used the grill for most of our meals.  Who doesn't love breaking out the grill once it gets nice outside.  Cheers!

6. Brothers
Love watching the bonds continue to grow.

6."The Bears"
This morning we made up bear names.  Jack is "fussy bear". Owen is "hairy bear" because his hair grows so fast and he always needs a hair cut.  Cameron is "super bear" because he loves to dress up like super heroes.  Mike is "silly bear." I am "cute bear" (Owen insisted).  I tried to be smelly bear since I don't take showers everyday but he said no. And Nash is "shedding bear."  This was our actual morning conversation in the wee hours....we were pretty proud of ourselves.

7. Goals & Dreams
I live off this stuff.  I have been super goal oriented lately and it makes me feel alive.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


1. Sleep
Last night I think I had the most interrupted sleep so far in the past few weeks.  I am still looking forward to a nap this afternoon but it feels like progress!!  

2. Library
Yesterday after school we went downtown to the library.  I needed to kill some time with the boys in hopes that our entire evening would go smoother.  It worked.  I think that we will be returning again within a week.  The kids section was essentially empty besides another family that we played with.  The boys LOVE the green screen and interacting with the video.  We also sat down and read books.  We have been to the library HUNDREDS of times to play and the boys have never sat down and read books with me but this time we read 5 or 6 different Fly Guy books.  It was pretty spectacular.  After we got home the boys played great and the night went smoothly.  Jack even slept in his carseat from 245-6pm.

3. Frown Face
Jack makes the sweetest frown face and cry.  It use to come out more when he was a baby and I hope that one day I am able to get it on film.  I am sitting in bed typing and pumping and Jack is sitting on the boppy pillow in front of me.  All of a sudden he is doing this sweet, little cry.  It only lasts a minute and it is so cute.  (haha....parents are creepy)

4. Boppy Pillow
One of the amazing things that Ashley has let me borrow is the boppy pillow.  Wish I had this with the twins.  Almost all pictures are captured of Jack in this pillow.  It just sits and holds him snug.  It is pretty awesome.

5. Nap
This afternoon my mom is going to come over so I can take a nap.  It has been very hard for me to sleep during the day with Jack here.  When she is here I am able to turn the box fan on in my room, pass out quickly, and not worry about the baby.  It gives me a full few hours between pumpings and it makes me feel SO. MUCH. BETTER.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday Afternoon

1. Shooting Range
This weekend we celebrated our birthdays.  We went to a shooting range on Saturday morning.  It was something that I have never done and it was awesome to get out and try something new.  On Sunday we went out to breakfast and then at night we had dinner with my parents.  Easy weekend and we got TONS of stuff done.

 I made Mike a carrot cake from scratch.  

 I will note that I was MUCH better at shooting than Mike.  Just saying. 

2. Birth announcements 
I ordered the birth announcements last week and then had them completed this weekend.  Addressing and stuffing them is sort of a pain in the butt.  Glad it's over.  I think that they turned out super cute.

3. New Bunk Beds
These bunk beds are new to us...they are not NEW.  After the shooting range on Saturday Mike and I picked up these beds from the Fang family.  Last night was the first night that the boys could sleep on them.  Around midnight when I was pumping I heard a child fall.  It was Owen from the lower bunk and then he hit his head when he was getting back into bed.  He wasn't crying or anything and said he was fine.  I think I was more scared than he was.  It has only been one night but I think that they will work great.

Also -- one of the New Year Resolutions is completed.  Yay!

4. The weekend
Having Mike home for the weekend is AMAZING.  I am grateful for this every single day but I need to write it down every now and then.  We have such great weekends together.

5. Windows are open
It is beautiful out.  Jack and I went for a short walk and we have some windows open right now to enjoy the fresh air.  It's time to pack away the snow suits.  Cheers!!!

I love this quote I found today.  Truth. 

Friday, March 13, 2015


1. My artist
I know that I have mentioned this a million times in the past and I have a feeling that I will mention it a million times in the future (hopefully), Cameron LOVES art.  One of my friends sent me this screen shot last week.  He is such a stud.  I hope that as schooling progresses into structured lessons of math, reading, history and on and on that we are still able to pull the love of art out of him.

2. Simple and true
This was my quote of the day yesterday that is sent to my email.  It has been a rough, long year to say the least.  I am ready for a major change and to have some crazy adventures.  This year has taught me to attack life and get all of the juice out of it.  

3. Spirit Week
The boys had a fun week of dressing up at school.  Here are some more of the days.

These were the red carpet days that we took pictures with their teachers.

 Wacky Wednesday

 Celebrity Reader Night

It has been a busy week but it actually made the mornings go by smoothly since the boys were excited to wear the different outfits.  Cameron still wanted to stay in bed everyday but overall mornings were better this week.
4. Morning Stillness
As I started to type out this thought...that it is nice to have the silence in the morning and a few minutes to myself....Cameron woke up. I am staying in bed to enjoy my coffee and I sent him to the 
couch to watch some Netflix on the iPad.

5. Lose It
I have been having some progress on losing my baby weight.  I am using an app to track my calories and it is working.  I hope to get into the gym soon but I will basically be choosing the gym over a nap and right now I think that the 2 hours of sleep might be more important.  **If Mike reads this he would not even say it was an option, sleep would be the only answer.**  Regardless, the app is working and I have been losing weight.

6. Two nightly feedings
For the past three nights Jack has done essentially the same routine.  He eats around 8, falls asleep around 10, wakes up in the midnight hour and then again in the 4 o'clock hour.  This is progress in our schedule and makes sleeping a bit more wonderful

The boys were always on a schedule.  From day one they had to be on a schedule so that way I didn't lose my mind.  It made this SUPER easy.  They ate at the same time, napped at the same time, and things never really changed.  With Jack it has been hard for me to grasp that things don't really work like that in the first 2 months.  Not only that but with the twins in the mix now I adjust Jack's schedule to work with their schedule.  At times it becomes a scheduling nightmare.  Yesterday I fed Jack a bottle while pumping and eating my breakfast at the same time.  Multitasking at its finest. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


1. The routine
I feel like we are finally falling into a bit of a routine.  I am doing MUCH better with the lack of sleep and I have learned to enlist the help of our friends and family.  Last night the boys went to a movie with Bruce and today Laurie and the kids are coming over to play.  I need to keep asking for help and we all enjoy life a bit more.  

2. Owen
Owen was cracking me up last night.  Today was character day at school and we had to figure out what character the boys wanted to be from a book.  Cameron started with spiderman and ended with the hulk but Owen was a bit different.  He wanted to be an owl (it was from a book he supposedly read at school).  So when I asked how we should make an owl costume he suggested yellow construction paper.  We only had 3 pieces of yellow construction paper so we decided to look through his books for a different character instead.  He ended up being Freddy from Scooby-Doo.  In order to get the orange scarf I had to cut up a dishtowel and sew it back together.  Owen was very concerned about having to ruin this towel but finally said, "Ok mom, if that is what you want to do then that is ok with me."  This morning the kids looked great and they were super excited to go to school.

3. Warm weather
It is finally getting a bit warmer here.  Thank goodness.  I REALLY need to get outside and get on some walks.  I am having some serious cabin fever and feel stuck inside all day feeding, pumping, and doing laundry.  Yay to no snow!!!

4. Bath time for JackJack
Jack does not make a peep during bath time.  He just sits and relaxes.  He doesn't sit and relax that well OUTSIDE of the bath.  Maybe I should give him one everyday because he is so peaceful.  I also love his fuzzy hair when he gets out.

5. Starting the journey
Yesterday I officially started trying to lose some of this baby weight.  I have a LOT to lose.  I really want to get down to a pre-Mike weight but that seems like an unattainable goal right now so trying to focus on getting into my pre-baby clothes.    One step at a time.

6. Late night cuddles
I am learning to embrace the lack of sleep and focus on Jacks sweet cuddles. He loves to sleep when he is laying in my bed, in my arms, or anywhere that is not his bassinet.  I know that so many moms let their infants sleep in bed with them -- it would make life a LOT easier.  I on the other hand fear the worst and follow the "rules" of safety.  Not only that but Mike would have a heart attack if I let Jack sleep in the bed.  So for now I let Jack cuddle with me to fall asleep and then pray he doesn't wake up when I put him in the bassinet.  This makes for an extremely long night since each time he wakes up I pump, feed, and snuggle but I know all to well that these days are numbered.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Warming UP

1. Sushi
Last night we went out for sushi.  It was wonderful and we actually didn't over eat!!  We had a gift card to Tomo and only spent $6 including tip.  Then we decided to get some errands done at the mall so we picked up some cheesecake with another gift card on the way home.  We were pretty impressed with ourselves.

2. Sleep
Mike is home for a few nights so I am able to get a tiny bit of extra sleep.  He is walking in zombie world so I usually end up doing the last feeding but it is still WONDERFUL.  

3. BreastPump
I officially decided that we are going to stick with exclusive pumping.  Grateful the my insurance gave me a breast pump.  I am able to save so much money and still give Jack all the grate antibodies.

4. Warmer Weather
Next week things will be warming up!!  I hope to take full advantage and bring Jack on a few walks.   My plan for today is to take Nash on a walk since Mike will be home.  I could take Jack out and just bundle him up but I would rather be safe than sorry.  .....As for Nash... he has been GREAT with the baby.  He follows us around even more and then other day he was in protecting Jack's swing while I was doing dishes.

5. Moving
I mentioned a few weeks ago that Greg was looking into the different schools in the township.  He overwhelmingly found that the options for where we are located are pretty terrible.  Even the Spanish immersion school has poor test score numbers.  Mike and I have talked about moving before and so we are going to officially plan for this to happen.  Now that neither of us work at CHN this home is not in an ideal location anymore.  We have a few updates that we will make before the sale (most of which were New Years Resolutions) and then we also need to figure out WHERE we want to go.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Just one.

1. Survival
Yesterday Jack turned 1 month old.  He sleeps all day on some days and then not at all on other days. he keeps us guessing and I am purely EXHAUSTED.  I enjoy the moments that I get to sit and snuggle and hold him but right now I feel that those sweet moments are all that I am able to enjoy.  This morning I am miserable.  I had approximately 3 hours of interrupted sleep last night and that is essentially the routine since Sunday evening.  I know that I am not the first nor the last mom to travel down this road.  I am on the line of wanting the days to go by quickly and wanting them to slow down.  It is a mental struggle and a physical struggle that is hard.  I love this little man.  Grateful for his sweetness and that he is a part of our family.  I am also grateful the I have survived the past four weeks.

That is all I am going to write for now.  Not because I am not super grateful for a million little things but because I don't have time right now and I don't think (or plan) to sit down and get to the blog later today.