Saturday, March 28, 2015


1. Smiles
Jack is starting to smile.  The weeks of all the mundane, newborn work starts to ease up a bit and at the same time their personality starts to come through.  It makes for a pretty good few weeks.  

2. Successful trips
Jack is a champ in his carseat so taking him up to Exit 201 to drop off the twins isn't too difficult.  Don't get me wrong the preparing for the trip and timing of feedings, pumps, and school pick up is a little rough to manage but overall we are in a routine.  Yesterday we were struggling with the feedings so we ended up doing a few ounces in the McDonald's parking lot before we got back on the road. Regardless, still successful.

3. Planet Fitness
On Thursday I went to the mall with my mom to try and find some jeans while I am in this transition phase of my body.  I am trying really hard to embrace the baby weight.  It has been hard.  I had a few tears in the Gap dressing room and then we decided it was time for a glass of wine during lunch.  I joined Planet Fitness that afternoon.

To be clear, I don't love Planet Fitness and I will only be able to be a member there for a few months.  BUT for $10 a month and the 3 minute drive from my house I am going to deal.  I was extremely spoiled with my years at Lifetime.  Right now I just need to get into the gym and burn off some of this weight!

4. Three goals before 1pm
This morning I have accomplished my three main goals of every single day.  I got extra sleep, I worked out AND I took a shower.

On top of that success my house is picked up and I am doing the blog right now.  Holy hell I need new goals.

5. The week is over
It has been a rough week with Cameron.  He has been extremely whiny with lots of pouting.  This means lots of discipline which is fine but translates to a difficult few days.

Here is a normal interaction.

Me: "Please stop pouting."
C: "I'm not pouting"  -- as he continues to pout.

It is actually hard to work around because then if I allowed it we would just be going back and forth.

He is at Greg's for spring break and it has been pretty quiet around here.

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